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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 6 – Welcome To The Jungle (Meet Up With Psycho)

Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 6 – Welcome To The Jungle (Meet Up With Psycho)

Head for the next objective marker that is ahead to the right. You will notice a warning sign. Time to deal with a second mine field. This one is a lot bigger than the last one. Either use precise bursts from your weapon or hack the mines so they read you as friendly and will not detonate.

When you get to the trains on the opposite end of the mine field you can also find some arrows if you need more. Hop over the trains then just head forward. There is not much to do aside from getting to the marker for a while. This will change when the helicopter comes into view. This is the backup squad you hear mentioned shortly after you took out the Defense tower.

Move in carefully and duck into some cover. Take some time with the Visor to mark all of them. There are 5 total. You can avoid them easily enough by heading over to the left and using the rocks as cover to regenerate energy for cloaking. This will cut around 4 of the 5 team members without any major difficulty. The final team member is the only one you need to deal with as he is the only one on the upper ledge, blocking your way forward. You can either move in behind him for a stealth kill or you can pick him off with the bow without too much difficulty.

Once you make it up to the ledge just head for the overpass and start running underneath it. This will lead you straight to Psycho. As you start on this path though Psycho will contact you and let you know there is a CELL Locator Beam that has an unknown origin nearby.  Time to do a  quick bit of investigate (and collect some Intel).

Head over to the secondary objective marker. It is not too far out of your way. Move in slowly when you are close. There are 2 CELL Soldiers there that you need to deal with in one fashion or another. Move in behind them, cloaked, and pick them off quickly with the bow so you do not need to worry about them at all. Now use your visor to locate the nearby CELL Intel. After that turn your attention to the Weapon Pod. You need to hack it with your visor to gain access to its contents. This will reveal an Upgrade Module for the suit.

With all that in hand head for the primary objective marker. It is just a short run from where you are and there really is not much at all to worry about. You will meet up with Psycho just before a drop down into the sewers. You are prompted to put on Armor Mode. Do so to plummet down the manhole to the bottom and survive. Deactivate Armor Mode after you touch down. It is time to deal with the rest of what is resting in the depths.