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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 7 – Welcome To The Jungle (Head for the North Railyard)

Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 7 – Welcome To The Jungle (Head for the North Railyard)

Walk with Psycho as you wander through the tunnels. There are some CELL Units nearby but they cannot react to you at present. Be sure to keep an eye out a side room with more arrows if you need a restock or just want to make sure you have everything. A little after that Psycho will break away to take his own route. You head off down the tunnel to the left to advance.

Head slowly and quietly down this tunnel as the CELL Soldiers are becoming a factor now. Throw on the visor as you close in on the next room. There are about 8 hostiles in the next room and they have a Sentinel deployed in the back for additional support. More than anything you want to move in on the Sentinel cloaked. Get close enough to hack it. This will turn the turret on the hostiles and very quickly thin most of those Recon and Troops. It does not take too much to deal with the survivors using some careful shots from the bow. Turn to the left to find a grenade cache if you need to restock on them. After that head on up the nearby stairs.

At the top of the stairs you will find a bridge you need to cross. This is one of the few cases where stealth is a lot harder to pull off. Use the Predator bow to pick off the enemies quickly, one at a time. Be sure to retrieve all the arrows you can from your attack. After the looting head to the far end of the bridge. Once at the end use a Running Power Jump to clear the gap.

On the far side you will meet up with Psycho again. Follow him into the next room. Take some time to investigate the remains of the CELL group. Use the Visor to locator the CELL Intel that is resting on  the corpses. Be sure to take some time to loot the room for what ammo and weapons you can find in the area. After that you will want to head into the next room. Things, again, are not too stealth-friendly, but it is very possible to do as well.

Enter the room, cloak, and move over to the right. Look around for the Stalkers that hunt this area. Pick them off with the Predator and it will be your best bet best to deal with them without much difficulty or chance of them finding you too quickly. Remember that you need to look up and there are 2 of them. When the Stalkers are down, Prophet will contact Psycho who will let you out through the far door.

When you get into the next room move carefully as a new hazard is introduced: Laser trip mines. There are effectively 3 ways to deal with them. First, you can jump over them. This is decently risky as you need to consider for any further mines and the layout of the overall pattern. Second you can shoot the mines. They will make a terrific bang, great for any nearby foes that you need to quickly kill but horrible if you are trying to get through. Third you can hack them. Just like the other mines you can change them so they will see you as a friendly. It might take longer but it keeps all the risk to a minimum.