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Starcraft 2 Zerg Top Build Orders

Among all the Startcraft 2 races, the Zerg race is usually considered to be the most difficult to play with. This is because many of their unit compositions are very cost-inefficient. The Zerg are usually the last to get anti-air with the exception of the Queen, and their units get destro[censored] easily. This makes the Zerg player vulnerable if their forces are not managed properly.

However, if you take a glance at the stats, most of the top slots in the diamond leagues are dominated by Zerg players. All it requires is some effort to master the Zerg and knowing some top build orders will help you beat your opponents.

Good build orders are very important when you are playing using the Zerg. They enable you to counter the weaknesses of this race, therefore greatly improving the way you play. There are several main build orders. One of them is called the Economic Pool First. It is simple, and this is how it works.

First create drones until you have nine supply. After getting the drones create an Overlord. While creating the Overlord and the other structures and units continue to produce drones.

You can then use one drone to construct the Spawning Pool. When the supply is a sixteen create a Hatchery at your natural expansion. This is important since it will ensure that there is organic expansion. While the hatchery is under construction, wait for some money to ac[censored] ulate and build an Extractor.

Once the Spawning pool is completed you can then make a couple of Queens and some Zerglings. This is one of the basic build orders that you can use in the game. After applying it, you are good to go. The rest of the strategy will depend on your opponent and what they are doing. Against a Terran opponent you should go for a Hatchery First opening which is basically getting a Hatchery before the Spawning Pool.

There are also some other build orders that can be used as the Zerg. These include the Speedling Expand and Roach Pressure. Expanding more than your opponent is usually very important. This is because the Zerg require a lot of resources to compensate for their weaknesses. They need a lot of vespene gas and minerals so as to remain competitive. Expanding quickly enables you to acquire more of these resources, and you should create defensive structures so that you protect yourself.

As a Zerg player, you not only need a good economy but a superior one to your opponent. Your economy should be quite ahead of your opponent's if you are to succeed. To help delay your opponent's expansions you could use units such as speed enhanced Zerglings, also known as Speedlings, to har[censored] the enemy around the map early on.

The Speedlings can quickly maneuver around the battlefield and also inflict some damage on the economy of your enemy. They can also be used as decoys for your actual attacks.