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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 5 – Welcome To The Jungle (Turret Removal)

Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 5 – Welcome To The Jungle (Turret Removal)

Follow Psycho down the stairs and over to the right through the ruins. He goes on to explain what CELL has been up to while you were on ice. After a good bit of talking he will explain that you need to be wary of a mine field that you have come to edge of.

When it comes to the mines you do have the option of hacking them. Considering it is not too hard to do just that and great if you need the practice doing so. Otherwise a single bullet onto the one of the mines will start a chain reaction and take them all out quickly. This will alert NAX, to a degree to your presence. It all depends on how you want to play this part. After the Mine field you will come to a gate. While Micheal cannot open it with a kick, Prophet has no problem at all. Just interact with the game and you will break it down. Head on up the stairs after that. When you get to the top of the stairs there is more to do as Psycho will explain.

The field in front of you is very well protected. There are a number of missile launchers set up. After Prophet really gets that Psycho is now human he will get the idea for the next part of the action. He will be moving forward while Psycho gives support. Prophet will jump down to the ground and then play will resume.

If you do not much care for stealth, this section is easy to cover by charging into the area and using Armor mode to survive the missile barrage that will come flying toward you.

When it comes to dealing with this properly, in a stealthy fashion, you will need to move carefully and plan just a little. Prophet is only unsafe, uncloaked, on the right-hand side of any large piece of cover. The best source of that would be the various trains that are scattered throughout the area. You will want to move from Train to train. Pause at each on the right-hand side to recharge your energy. Most importantly you need to move in a crouch to make it all the way through without your energy giving out before you can make it back to cover. This part, stealth-wise, involves a lot of patience.

Move from the starting point over to the left. Pause on the right-hand side of the first train, decloak and recharge. From there just move in a cloaked crouch over to the wall. Decloak, recharge, then move to the marked location. The cache does not offer anything good. Immediately move behind the train car to the right. Recharge your energy and it is time to move onto the next cache. Head over to the right and weave your way between the cars up to the next cache. The first few caches do not offer anything.

With those initial caches checked then you need to head for the next set. Once again, move from train car to train car carefully. Keep at this until you can get at the pool of water. Pause here to recharge to make sure you can make it far enough into the next field.

Once again, move in toward the trains just past the pool and stay on the right-hand side of them when uncloaked. From there move over to the next marked position. Once again, the cache is a bust so make for the final marker. Go from train to train and do so carefully as there is a long ways to go reach it. When you make it to the final cache that you find the Ceph Bolt Sniper. Now, duck out of cover minimally and fire on the tower. Take out the 3 turrets with shots from the Bolt Sniper. It will run out of juice when the job is done though. Return to where you got it and swap it out for your last weapon. Also, head for the back right part of this area. You can find some CELL Intel there that is very easy to miss.