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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 62 – Going Back In (The Ascension Ritual: Oni Stalker & Mathias)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 62 – Going Back In (The Ascension Ritual: Oni Stalker & Mathias)

Oni Stalker
First and foremost, do not let him hit you with that Mace of his. It will nearly kill Lara on the lower difficulties and will on the higher ones. Arm yourself with your shotgun and you are ready to fight this monstrous opponent.

The first part of the battle it not too hard. Wait for the Stalker to raise his mace above his head. At this point dodge around him and then fire a round or two into his exposed back. He may also make a horizontal swing at you. If he does this, be sure to dodge in the opposite direction to avoid being hit. When you have managed to hit his back 3 times then you will see a melee prompt appear above his head. Move in and hit the button when prompted. It is a lot slower than usual so watch the circles carefully. After this, he will call up a small wind that will loosen a few boards that go sailing past Lara.

Now begins the second phase of the fight. Oni Archers will come and join the fray. At first it is just in pairs. You can blast them away with your shotgun if you are quick enough. Otherwise just focus on the Stalker who is still swinging his Mace at you. Once again focus on weaving around the blows. If he grabs Lara he will hurl her away and then charge her. This does present a good attack opportunity if you can dodge around the mace in time. Keep this up until you are given the next prompt to move in and melee attack the Stalker. With this strike you will sunder the helmet from his head.

This leads to the final part of the Stalker battle. More Archers will appear. Largely just ignore them or blast them if they cross your line of fire. Now you can hit the Stalker's head or back with your blast. Just unload on him now. Keep this up until you see the melee prompt appear above him. Move in and make the first attack. It is a quicker one on a small circle. After that just mash the action button to rip through some vital flesh and bring this giant down. Just keep mashing the button until he rolls over dead.

With the Stalker dead head for the stairs that get cleared. Turn to the left and head forward. From there just move toward the barrier to get through and engage Mathias

Honestly, this is more a series of QTE's than a true fight. It begins with you unloading on Mathis so just start and keep shooting. After that Lara will pull out her Climbing Axe and bring it to bear against him. Get the button press to keep going in the sequence. Now mash the action button to keep Mathias from strangling Lara. After that, use pull the left and right triggers to unload both the pistols Lara has on him.

After this you will find yourself at the end of the game. Congratulations on beating Tomb Raider!