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Bioshock Infinite Vigors Guide: Shock Jockey

Bioshock Infinite Vigors Guide: Shock Jockey

Shock Jockey: (Press/Hold)
Cost: 16/32
Damage: 45-55/45-55
Effect: 2.8-3.2s/4-5s

Mod: $1265 (The Factory)
Boost: $575 (Downtown Emporia)

This power gives you the power of lightning in your hands. The normal fire version of this has the advantage of high power at a low Salt cost. It will also stun anything it hits. While under the effects of the stun the target will take double damage. This is a great way to tear through some tougher foes, especially after this ability has been upgraded with its mod. If you can zap something while it is in water with Shock Jockey then they immediately take maximum damage and go down very quickly.

The Alternate fire of this attack creates a series of traps. Anything that walks between these traps will get a massive zap for their trespass. This makes it a great way to create a defense around DeWitt quickly if you have a moment to prepare for melee foes or anything that tries to close in on you.

These 2 upgrades vastly improve an already powerful attack. The first upgrade, the Mod to Shock Jockey allows the lightning to leap from target to target within its reach. This gives is a great area of effect and ensure that you gain an advantage with a minimal expenditure of Salts.

The Second upgrade, the Boost, doubles the effective range. This makes Shock Jockey even more useful than it was already. Mix with the Chain Lightning Mod and even large groups will be stunned and helpless in front of DeWitt.

This combination is using Murder of Crows with Shock Jockey. This is the best way to get an area of effect incapacitate on a larger group of enemies. It has the advantage of having a low cost. Mix in the Crow's Trap mod and it is not too hard to keep it going or spread out to a larger group. This very helpful before the first Upgrade.

The next combination to keep in mind is that of Possession and Shock Jockey. This will make your possessed foe become a walking Tesla Coil. Once again, it offers something of an area attack before the Chain Lightning Upgrade. Still, the extra damage from any shots fired is more than worth the effort to combine the two attacks.

The final combination is to mix Shock Jockey with Undertow. The effect is identical to blasting water around the target. This is give you a way to instantly finish off a group of foes when you only have one shot of Undertow and a little extra salt.