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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 13 – I Don't Deal With Psychos. I Put 'Em Away (Hang-glider to Control Console)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 13 – I Don't Deal With Psychos. I Put 'Em Away (Hang-glider to Control Console)

Start to the Southwest from the Liberated Garrisons. It is a ways so grabbing a car is recommended if only to speed things up. From there just make for the garrison nearby the marker. Rex will be contacted by Dr. Darling. She explains that she wants him to take out another scientist, Dr. Carlyle, who is building biochemical weapons he should not be. Rex takes the job and then it is time to start up the hill toward the marker. Look for the temple style remains to find the easiest way up. There are surprisingly few Cyber-Soldiers here, just a snake or two and some other cyber wildlife.

When you get closer to the top of the hill you will find there are more Cyber-Soldiers than previously experienced in this area. Once again you can either deal with them through stealth or combat. There is plenty of cover around so using dice to lure them around is very possible. If you just want to fight it through there are some rocks nearby which make for some good cover and it is not too hard to rip through the smaller force here. There are at least 4 Cyber-Soldiers and 1 Robo-Dog to deal with.

When they are all dead head up the stairs and go for the hang glider. A marker appears far ahead just a little to the left of Rex's starting heading. Adjust to be facing it and just glide over. You have plenty of time to listen to the conversation between Darling and Rex to learn more of what is going on and what the plans are with the rockets and the Blood Dragon Blood.

As you make it toward the first bridge near the marker, get over the water and drop in. There are a pair of Snipers that will be firing on Rex. There is also a chance while in the water you will need to deal with a crocodile but that is nothing too bad. Swim over to the right-hand side of the river and look for the dock. There you will find a jet ski you can hijack and start riding toward the objective marker once again. This time Rex will not have to worry about running out of momentum. It is possible to make it all the way on the hang glider but it can be a little tricky.

When Rex makes it to the island itself Dr. Darling will give him the access code he needs. From there start for the dock and kill the pair of guards patrolling the area. Make your way up the stairs. At the top of the stairs turn to face the number of soldiers at the top. You have at least one with a Flamethrower for you to deal with. This Flamer unit has a good number of Cyber-Soldiers backing him up. There is also a lot of cover in the area. One strategy here is to circle around the cargo containers to lure the enemies around the containers. Now Rex can quickly sneak behind a number of opponents and take them down.

Head toward the marker and go down the stairs. You will find this cargo area has a lot less in terms of enemies but there is a cyber tiger in a cage. If you can lure some enemies down to it and loose it on them, then things are good and they will go down quickly (except Heavy units). There is only a soldier or two in addition to a Flamer unit. After you kill them head over to the right and up the stairs. This leads over to a small control room. Head inside to find the objective marker. Rex will punch in the code that he was given and be prompted to head into the laboratory itself.