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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 12 – What Is This Shit? (Nursery)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 12 – What Is This Shit? (Nursery)

At the end of the Hallway you will find the first Egg Clutch. Open fire with the Flamethrower to quickly roast the eggs with minimal concern about backdraft and getting burned yourself. Now head forward and dash through the next 2 hallways to the next marker.

Rex will have to worry about 2 Blood Dragons now so be on guard against them. Watch your mini-map for the indicator they are closing in. Apparently fire will get them very excited and does nothing to them. Aside from that, just move toward the egg clutch and unleash a roasting inferno on it. Destroying this clutch has a good chance of drawing in the nearby Blood Dragons to be wary of it. Still, to destroy the clutch you need to be sure that all the eggs have been removed. Just watch out for any that remain standing. Start in the center of the clutch and do a full circle to get the most you can from there. It has a good chance to draw in the dragons but it will also work to destroy all the eggs. After that you need to go around the clutch itself and do what you can to clear out the surviving eggs. Make a fast exit toward the next marker location when you finish the second clutch of eggs.

Get over to the final clutch of eggs and stand in the center once again. Loose the flamethrower on the eggs to take them out. Now move to the outside and work quickly to destroy the remaining eggs. You will find the 2 Blood dragons have tracks you down very quickly. Do what you can to avoid them and destroy the remaining eggs in the clutch.

With the final clutch destroyed you will be prompted to make for the elevator fast. Start back along the path of the egg clutches and then sprint through the hallways over to the marker. While Sloan will try to get it to blow up sooner, it will not work so just run for the elevator and get hit the button to summon it. This will also summon one of the Mother Blood Dragons. You need to fire on her when you can but otherwise avoid firing her as she can kill you without too much effort.

When the elevator makes it down run for it, sneaking by the Blood dragon. After that head on over to the gun turret. Once there you will find you have a much better chance against the Blood Dragon and the other forces that are now firing on you. Just loose the turret and kill them all. Ammo is blissfully not a concern here so make it a good massacre.

When the elevator stops the countdown toward the base's destruction will finally begin. You have 35 seconds to escape. Change from the mounted gun to the driver's seat and slam on the gas. Start weaving your way through the exploding corridor. Just avoid crashing and you will easily make it out of the base with time to spare. Enjoy the cutscene at the end of the mission and it is time to get on with things.