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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 14 – I Don't Deal With Psychos. I Put 'Em Away (Laboratory, Part 1)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 14 – I Don't Deal With Psychos. I Put 'Em Away (Laboratory, Part 1)

Head out of the control room and go over to the right. As you head toward the entrance as there are now more Cyber-Soldiers you need to deal with. These have Rocket Launchers so Rex will want to take them out as quickly as possible. Focus on the closest one to the right. Gun him down then head for his tower. Climb up the ladder on the left-hand side. At the top of the tower you will find a Zipline you can ride over to the laboratory entrance to cut out a lot of travel and weaving through containers.

Touch down from the zip-line ride and turn around. Look below you and you will see a Robo-dog patrolling. Follow the ramp up and look to the left to spot a cage with a tiger in it. Move over to the right and free the tiger. It will cage the dog and then continue down the ramp to deal with the Flamer unit that is waiting there and 2 more dogs. Kill them and head over to the marked button. Hitting it will reveal a shaft without an elevator. The HUD will chime in, informing you that Rex can survive a fall from almost any height, almost. Head into the open shaft and fall to the bottom.

At the bottom Dr. Darling and Rex talk a little more. Look around for the open door and climb up through it. Go forward and over to the right through the hallway through the 2 doors. Move in carefully as you head over to the left. Open the third door and move into hiding. You will start to encounter the Cyber-Soldiers who guard the area at this point. Using stealth it is very possible to perform take downs on most of the Soldiers in this area without much effort. Just make sure you do not leave the bodies in the room with the soldiers if you want to do that. Once most of the soldiers have been killed off you can head in and over to the left. This will likely just leave the Flamer unit that is patrolling the halls. If you can, take it down, otherwise sneak up behind him and either gun him down by shooting his pack or simply slash him to death.

Head down the passage on the left and over to the marked door. Head on through it as it opens for Rex. Continue up the slope to the door after and go through it as well. Get over to the far wall and crouch. Move under the window to avoid being spotted by the pair of scientists that are in the next room and glancing out through the large window. Continue past the second window and then make for the next door at the end of the hallway.

Through this door you will find a pair of Cyber-Soldiers at the bottom of a ramp. They are looking the other way so it is easier to move in and take them down. You can shoot the various pods for a distract, through it is less than recommended as sometimes the body will attack Rex. After you take out the pair of Soldiers duck back into cover. Wait for the heavy Flamer Unit to lumber by and take him out as well. With them all dead go through the marked door nearby Rex. As you head into the next hallway, take a moment to investigate the path off to the left. There you will find a store so you can unload any loot as well as resupply on needed ammo. After that head on through the next door.