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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 16 – I Don't Deal With Psychos. I Put 'Em Away (Laboratory, Part 3)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 16 – I Don't Deal With Psychos. I Put 'Em Away (Laboratory, Part 3)

Reload your arsenal and head on though the doorway. Go on through and over to the gravity elevator. Step into it to get launched high up into the sky. Looking down you can see a few Blood Dragons. There are a pair of them. Run for a minute to get to cover so you can mark them and make them that much easier to track. For the first time you will need to kill 2 Blood Dragons. The HUD will do some analysis on the Blood Dragons and tell you of a weak point. Rex can spot an odd bit of coloring on their sternum: this is their weak point. Aim for the center of their chest when they rear up and you will have little trouble inflicting more than minimal damage. Rex will also need to make liberal use of Cyber-hearts in this area. There are plenty of bodies that you can loot for more if your own supply of Cyber-Hearts starts to run low.

The battle itself is about getting the dragons distracted and to rear up. They will do this each time they get to the location a heart has been thrown. Throw the heart, take cover nearby and wait for them to rear up. When they do open fire on their chest. After that resume moving until you find another good place with cover to throw a heart. It is very possible to find a track to run in this area so run and fight.

When you take out the first of the pair of dragons Dr. Carlyle will send in a small wave of troops. Nothing too bad, like a Charger and Cyber-Soldier pair. You should have a good grasp on how to handle the remaining one. Still, throw the heart whenever you can get some cover and have a clean line of sight to where the heart lands.

When the second Blood Dragon goes down things get a little twist. Carlyle orders the computer to unleash more Cyber-Soldiers. It does not like what Carlyle has said to it so it goes for the vengeance angle and sics some Robo-Dogs on him.

Head over to the marked exit and have a good spread weapon with you. As Rex opens the door he will be attacked by a small pack of 3 Robo-Dogs. Kill them and start backing up. Almost immediately behind the Robo-Dogs you will encounter a Flamer Unit. Rex can either fight it or just lure the Flamer Unit away from the doorway then make a dash up the stairs. When you make it to the top Rex will complete this mission.