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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 19 – Twisted Mind: The Ritual (Makata to Paradise)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 19 – Twisted Mind: The Ritual (Makata to Paradise)

Search Marcus' home for the map you were sent after. You will find it it inside to the left of the door. Be sure to also get the notebook that is hidden behind the photograph that sits to the right of that map. Talk with Batram afterward and you will learn more about what has happened with Marcus things do not sound promising at all. If anything, they take on a more sinister sound.

Head back to Halai. Talk with Jackson who is standing by the front gate. He mentions something about Marcus being worked up, a ritual and the fact that Marcus was close to incoherent. Nothing about that adds up to anything good. He also tells you that he has gone to the Paradise Camp. That alone cannot add up to anything good. Take care of any remaining side quests and head for Paradise Survivor's Camp immediately afterward. You cannot complete any more Team Quests until this story mission has been completed.

Fast Travel into Paradise and you will find out that Marcus has gathered everyone in the middle of the camp. The event here will not start until you head into the middle of camp. Cross through the group and the cutscene will run.

There is a great conflagration going around the camp now and once again you need to fend off a horde of zombies that have closed on it. If you have been working on the team quests then it is a simple matter of just helping people as needed. The more you have invested into the team the better things will be over all. Just remember that you need to keep all of the team from dying. If you have the ability to trigger Group Fury, this is a great time to do so. While it will drain the Rage gauge, it will empower everyone in the group for a set amount of time. Never a bad thing. The first wave will end after you drain out the first 2 bars of the Horde Meter.

Time to work on the second wave of Zombies. It starts just more Walkers with the occasional Infected. Be careful as around the midpoint of the third bar you will encounter a  Floater and a pair of Thugs. You need to press on through them. If you have regained Fury, this is a great time to trigger Group Fury once again.

As you get onto the second to last bar, you get a brief break before more Walkers and Infected show up. Hit up any of the repair benches and get your main weapons into better shape. The final 2 bars are honestly the toughest of the whole set. It may start simply but you will find Floaters, and Butcher in it. First, remember that you cannot hit your team mates with friendly fire so you can shoot at them without hitting them. Second, this is another good time to use group fury to bolster the whole of your team and get through the bit a little easier.

The final part of the defense is taking down, "Mr. Dead." He is very much like a Thug, just a little bit after so be ready for it. As long as you take out everything else it should not be too hard for you to handle. Remember to take advantage of his relatively slower speed to get around him and pepper him with attacks. Aside from that it is a simple matter of just making it through the fight. The better off your team is, the better off you will be.

When the horde bar is drained you will hear from Harlow. She is coming in. After that it is a simple matter of enjoying the cutscene.