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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 20 – Sidequests – Halai

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 20 – Sidequests – Halai

On The Set
Once you finish “Genre: Horror Slasher” head for the Halai Survivor's Camp. Restock on supplies and repair your weaponry. It is time to work on the second part of this quest. Head to the South of the Survivor's Camp, through the archway and then over to the East. You will find Dave on one of the rooftops. He wants to reshoot the climax of the movie. The easiest way to get up to him is to head for Malaya's hop in the Southern part of Halai and then start across the rooftops from there. He wants to reshoot the ending and have you stand in for the lead performer. What you need to do is simple: lure the caged Thug to the white X on the ground and kill it.

Hop down off the roof, kill off any zombies lingering in the area and go on over to the cage. Loose the Thug and let it lumber of to the white X. It is not hard to provoke it into doing that, need be. From there, it is not a bad time to use Fury to quickly kill him off. Otherwise, take advantage of the slow moving part of the Thug and perpetually circle around him. This makes it a lot easier just to deal with.

Stop The Madness
With the chapter, “Twisted Mind” over you will be given the quest, “Stop The Madness.” This quest has you after Marcus Villa to stop him from doing any more harm to people. Things are easy enough to do thankfully. Head for the Fast Travel Map on the wall of the Warehouse inside the Halai Survivor's Camp.

From the Map Fast Travel of Mataka Village. It is a lot simpler than fighting your way over and saves you a lot of resources. Just head inside the hut and you will find Marcus Villa without too much trouble. He has a little to say then pulls out a machete to come after you. Just kill him. There is little preamble to it. He is somewhat tough, for a human. Get in some good head shots and you will see him go down without much trouble at all. Take a little time after that to loot the house for canned food, pain killers and whatever else you can find.