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Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 6 – Facility, Part 1

Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 6 – Facility, Part 1

Artyom will use the tunnel to get over to Pavel. He will crawl of out it with a little forward motion and then drop to the ground on the left. Turn around and look into the 2 storage containers behind you for meds and ammo. Time for a bit more stealth to get through this prison and find what you can.

Go forward, turning off the lights as you come across them. Go over to the right of the stairs first. You have a pair of guards in that area which are easy to deal with. First, kill the light to the left of the first one. After that, kill the first guard and head back through the doorway. Wait for his friend to start shadow boxing then kill him as well. Head back through the door and look for the stairs to the left.

Head on up the stairs to the left. Wait for the soldier who is fiddling with the circuit box ahead to the left to step away. Head in and turn off all the lights when he does. This will lure him back. Use this window of time to kill him. Now turn around and cross over to the other side of the room. Use the walkway you can see just in front of you. On the far side you have another guard who is looking at the wall. Take him down.

Head over to the left and down the stairs. Wait at the base of them for a minute and you will see a guard smoking come by. Kill him then turn to face the remaining light in the area. You will see one guard humming to himself, walking around and another looking at a map. Start with the one that is eating then go for the one looking at the map.

If you want to be thorough then move over to the side where you just came down the stairs and find the red door. Inside there is a final guard in this room. Kill him and loot his body as well. Now head down to the left and toward the blue lit area. Go on through the door you find there. There is a Soldier who will simply surrender. Just let him be (grab his weapon if you want it though). Head to the back of the room and go on up the improvised ramp into the hole in the wall. This will get Artyom right into a vent.

Head on through the vent to the greenhouse beyond it. Head on over to the left and through the doorway. There are more soldiers to deal with in this room. First though go over to the left as you exit the room. You will find yourself in front of another fuse box. Interact with it to kill the lights in the area. Quickly retreat to the doorway you came though after you kill them. Move over to the right after that and find the next guard. Move in on him and get him with a stealth kill as well. Head carefully along the right-hand side of this walkway so you can sneak up on the guard on the left. Take him out then press against the box he was by. Wait for the next guard to come up to investigate and kill him as well. Now look along the wall you were passing by. You can find a vent you can take to get at some useful ammo. Find it and drop in.