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Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 12 – Revolution, Part 2

Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 12 – Revolution, Part 2

At the base of the stairs you will find another gas mask and a filter. Be sure to grab the filter then head into the next room. Wait for the conversation to end then step out and go a little to the left. There you will see a guard wielding. Move in, kill him and loot his body for a filter. Now start over to the right. Move slowly over to the far right corner where you will find a fuse box. Kill the some of the lights with it then start along that same wall. Just a little to the left you will find another filter. Continue along the same wall and duck into the small room that is sunken into the floor. You will find more loot inside there.

Time to backtrack to the the fuse box. Look to the left of it and you will see a ladder joined to the pillar nearby. Climb it on up and go forward to the small container ahead. You will be rewarded with another filter. Now start for the left-hand side of the room. Take the opposing ladder down and then go for the crawl space that is right in front of the ladder.

Once in the crawl space head forward and take the second right. There you will see a small container you can open for some Military Grade Ammo (MGA).Head back to the junction and then go froward to the right. This will lead you to a offshoot with another ladder. Right at the start of it though you will find a container with a filter and some other loot inside it. After that head on up the ladder.

When you get to the top of this second ladder, look to the left. There is a guard nearby. Thankfully you are covered in shadows so move up behind him and go for a quick kill. Take a little extra time to unscrew the nearby light /bulb as well. Just remember to immediately duck into the shadows if someone seems to take notice. Now hug the wall to your right and move along it. You have a choice. You can either cross over to the opposite side and up through the crawl space you can find in the corner or you can slip between the 2 guards (optionally taking them out for the ammo and filters they offer). Once on the other side take the ladder up toward the control room. Head into the control room and deal with the commander there. Take a little time to search it for a note on the desk to the left and the lever to the left of it. Throw the lever to turn off the giant fan. Head over to it and duck through the hole on the left-hand side of it. Artyom will pass through it automatically into another part of the area.

On the other side of the fan go to the right and take the ladder you find there down. Wait for the 2 soldiers to finish their conversation then head over to the table. On it you will find another Note to grab. After that take out the soldier who stayed behind. Now keep against the wall and work your way behind the shelves and crates. A little ways past that you will find a ladder leading up. Take it up then start over to the other side of the room. Once again, wait for the guards to finish talking and split off. Move forward quickly, turning off the light that is on this cross-over as you do.

Now you are on the far side. Listen as the guard below you is humming and whistling. Wait for him to move away from beneath you then go over to the left and drop to the floor. Quickly move along the wall to get behind the crates ahead of you. Move forward and take out the 2 soldiers. When you kill the second one, quickly turn off the light, loot his body then go through all the containers in front of him for some MGA. Head around the crates and go into the doorway opposite the lit one. There is another guard looking at a teddy bear there. Kill him, loot the body and look the safe to the left. It has more MGA inside it. Go over to the right now, optionally taking out the light, and go through the doorway there. Through the doorway you have the option of killing the light but it is not necessary. You can also open the locker to find an accordion to play. After that just continue to the door with the wheel on it. Open it up and move into the next room.