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Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Sidequests Part 5 – Candlerakks's Crag

Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Sidequests Part 5 – Candlerakks's Crag

Big Feet
Sir Hammerlock has you chasing after large triangular footprints that lead into Candlerakk's Crag. Head on out of the Hunter's Lodge to the Northeast to get to the Catch-A-Boat terminal and use that to get over to the access point for Candlerakk's Crag the easiest.

Once inside the Crag start on the path to the East then turn to the South. You will see some ribs sticking out of the ground. Head for and through them. Go on up the slope into the next portion of the area. You will find yourself in a wide canyon. Near the top of the slope you will find a green glowing footprint. It is very easy to miss so be sure that you are paying attention as you go up the slope and going slowly. The rest of the trail is not too hard to find as most of the ground is level and the raised portions are not hard to spot.

Turn to the East and head on through the canyon, following the footprints. You will find a number of different Scaylion's to deal with. Remember to change your weaponry as needed to deal with them: Fire and Corrosive-type are the best against them as most are armored and the little weapons are flesh and blood. After you deal with the Scaylions head to the East toward the end of the canyon. Head slightly to the right and go up the slope you see there. Turn to the left at the top of the slope and head along the path you see there. Go up the first part of the slope then turn to the left. Continue up the next slope and over the crest. You will find more a Scaylion Broodmother and some minions waiting for you at the top so take them out quickly. Deal with them then continue on up the slope toward the top of the area.

At the top you will find a stair case on the left-hand side. Head on up to the top of it. Use the containers you will find along the way to restock on ammo. At the top head over to the left. This leads to Big Bluff, your destination. In that direction you will find your target, a massive Crystalisk named Rogue. Be careful as there is likely a Spore in the area as well.

As with any Crystalisk, the fastest way to kill this thing is to destroy the crystal formations on its body. This will inflict a lot of critical hits on it and kill it very quickly. When you are done and ready to turn it in, just head back to Sir Hammerlock to complete the quest.

Reward: $6,502, XP: 19,554