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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 35 – Two Shores (Terminal Siege)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 35 –  Two Shores (Ferry Siege)

Things start very quickly for this. There is little time to do much aside from start preparing. You can grab the nearby unmounted machine gun and get it into position or quickly drop down to the level below and head to the gaps in the fencing. Get over to them and then quickly get the fencing up. There is a horde fast approaching and you can slow them down some with that. You have at least a dozen zombies to deal with in this time frame but you are also helped by your whole party. Set up a fence or two then start focusing on the various zombies coming at you. Use whatever weapons you have that are good for groups.

When the first wave of the assault breaks you will be given the objective to talk with Marvin. Take some time to go around the lower level of the ferry building and block up all the entrances. Most of the entrances are on the lower level with only a single entrance the second level. Take some time to use all the mines you can collect and set them up around the various entrances into the Ferry plaza. From there just go around, collect whatever you can and sell off what you do not need (or what to use).

Take a little time to talk with Hardy as well to get the weapon he promised you. When you are sure you have done every you can head over to Marvin and talk with him. He will warn you that the engines of the ferry are much louder than that of the Water Pump. You are in for a much bigger fight this time. It is a long horde strength bar and that is your indicator of what you are in for.

The first wave is the easiest. It will largely come at the Southern part of the ferry building. The zombies here show more intelligence than usual as they will occasional climb into the ferry terminal. This means you need to watch out for the upper level more than usual. You have some to worry about as they are backed by the Thug but nothing worse than that. This covers the first 3 bars of the horde

During any pause in the fighting be certain to go around to each entrance and replace any broken fencing. It makes a world of difference for the second wave on.

For the second wave, things heat up a lot. You have Butchers and Charger Thugs to deal with in addition to Grenadiers, Walkers and Infected. There is no shortage of foes here. This covers most of the remaining bars. The next thing you need to worry about is when you get a cutscene.

When you make it to the cutscene you will find yourself facing a new enemy: A Screamer. This new enemy will raise the nearby dead and whip them into a frenzy. After that they are harder to kill and they attack faster. The good news is the Screamer is very fragile and easy to kill. Just track it down using your minimap and blast it away.

When the assault is over be sure to head for the garage that is to the West of the ferry terminal. There you will find the next recording from Angela Guerra and the Shockwave Modification for your weapons. Search deeper on the right-hand side to find the recording. Be sure to take some time to repair your weaponry after that fight as it likely took a high toll on it.