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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 36 – Blockbuster (The Ferry)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 36 –  Blockbuster (Setting up in Henderson)

Things are not too much better here in Henderson. The first thing to do is start moving forward to the front of the barricade that everyone has built up. You need to clear the area so the rest of the team can advance and find a place where they have more shelter.

Advance to the very front of the barricade. Over on the right you will find a red propane tank. Grab it and head over to the left-hand side. Aim up and hurl it over the barricade. Let it slide up to the Thug you can see standing on the far side then shoot it. It will let out a tremendous burst. This will kill most of the zombies in the immediate plaza and severely wound the thug. Take him out then deal with the rest of the zombies one by one.

Hop over the barricade once the immediate area is clear. Head forward to the end of the pier. There is likely a Walker that has risen up in front of you. Take him down then head over to the left. There are a few more Walkers to deal with. Now, also on the left-hand side,  you will see a ramp leading to a higher pier. Start on up that ramp. As you ascend you will likely be attacked by a few zombies.

On the second level of the pier you will find more zombies. Thankfully they are all marked on your mini map making it easier to track just where they are. Most of them will actually come to you and attack you as you head on up the ramp. Once you are up on the higher level there are still a few zombies in the area. Just move around and they will come to you.

You can also head over to the East and break into the Cafe that you can see there. Inside is an Energy Drink machine and a Work Bench. This is a good way to work toward just staying full up on health or give yourself a place to repair your equipment here. When you have finished off all the Zombies head on back to Harlow to complete this short little quest. The screen will go dark and then you will arrive in your hide out in Henderson.

Head inside the small cafe to find the rest of the party. They will want to start searching for a safer place than where you presently are. Talk with Marvin to get the next quest where you will be looking for the cinema as a location to hole up and be safe for a while.