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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 37 – Blockbuster (City Newcomer)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 37 – Blockbuster (City Newcomer)

Exit the shop and head on up the ramp to the right. This will lead toward the cafe mentioned earlier. This time you want to go to the right of the cafe and to the gate. It is locked. Head over to the left and break into the cafe (if you have already, great). Once inside the cafe go behind the counter on the right. On the right-hand side of the counter you will find the harbor keys. These are what you need to open the lock and get through to the next area.

Head forward and ascend the stairs to the right, jumping the barricade at the top of them. Deal with the first few Walkers that reveal themselves and head across the bridge. On the other side turn to the right and start up the stairs there. This leads up to a plaza with a little domed structure in the middle of it. You have a Walker and an Infected come at you almost immediately. Head over to the left first and onto the porch of the bank. Go to the right-hand side of the porch and look underneath the bench you see there. You will find a postcard. Now look out from the bank's porch and over to the left. You will see an apartment that has Red curtains with a ladder that leads up to it. You will find a few things to loot and a work bench that you can use. Repair and upgrade what needs it then head back down to street level and start off to the right.

As you go along, moving forward you will find yourself at the foot of a bridge. Be careful as there is a Walker that likes to appear and ambush you from behind in addition to the 2 Walkers on the bridge. Deal with them and the one later Walker around the middle of the bridge. On the far side of the bridge head over to the left and down the stairs. You will find yourself on a fenced in beach. There are a good number of infected around here so you need to fight your way through to the back. When you do make it all the way back there you will find a post card sitting nearby a weapon cache and there is the Exploding Meat blueprint nearby. Just look behind the weapon cache and the crates in the back to find it. Head on back toward where you came from. If you want to make some of these new creations then climb up the ladders you see at the first landing of the stairs. It leads to another apartment with a work bench inside it.

Continue on forward. Keep an eye on the right-hand side of the area. You will spot an open door and access to a Work Shop. Head inside and you will find numerous useful supplies, a work bench, and behind the counter to the right, up on some of the shelving the Short Circuit Modification. Look around on the counter top to find a Keepsake Photo. This is a quest item you will want to have in the little while. With all that in hand, exit the shop and head down the stairs.

At the base of the stairs you will find yourself in a flooded plaza. This means Drowners and a lot of them. Get to the bottom of the stairs and look around. You will find a message in a bottle. This directs you toward Ryan who seems to be trapped on the roof of the church. Turn to the East when you can and start down the side alley. This will  Deal with the Walkers and such you encounter. If you want a Rescue Mission or a Dead Zone, head all the way to the East. The Dead Zone, “Frankie O'Hara's Apartment” is the door right next to the “Showtime” sign while the rescue mission is just around the corner from that. Turn to the South after that and press on. Follow the marked path to the West and into the main plaza. Continue on through the Flooded Plaza and over to the left, turn to the South when you can to go up the stairs.