Pokemon X & Y Guide: Elite Four Guide

The Elite Four are all that stand between you and the Pokemon League Champion. They will be the strongest opponents you’ve faced and this guide will help you beat them all so you can meet the champion. Let’s get started.
Pokemon X & Y Elite Four Guide
Be sure to bring plenty of potions and revives because these fights are tough. After each fight you can heal up in the lobby area and you can also save.
Wikstrom is the Elite Four’s Steel Pokemon user. I used my Charizard and Lucario for this battle. He has a lvl 63 Klefki who is weak to fire and ground, a lvl 63 Probopass who is weak to ground, a lvl 65 Aegislash who is weak to fire and ground, and a lvl 63 Scizor who is weak to fire.
Drasna is the Dragon member of the Elite four. Dragon Pokemon are weak to ice and dragon moves, I used Lucario and Slowbro with icebeam. Drasna will send out a lvl 63 Dragalga who is weak to ice and psychic moves, lvl 65 Noivern who is weak to ice moves, a lvl 63 Altaria who is weak to dragon moves, and a lvl 63 Druddigon who is weak to dragon moves.
Malva is the fire member of the Elite four. Of course you will want to use water and ground Pokemon here, I used Lucario, Slowbro and Tyrantrum. Malva will send out a lvl 63 Pyroar who is weak to ground and fighting, a lvl 65 Talonflame who is weak to rock, a lvl 63 Torkoal who is weak to rock, and a lvl 53 Chanderlure who is weak to rock.
Siebold is the water member of the Elite four. I started with Chespin so I was able to wreck this guy easily. Siebold will send out a lvl 63 Clawitzer who is weak to grass, a lvl 63 Starmie who is weak to grass, a lvl 63 Gyarados who is weak to rock and electric, and a lvl 65 Barbaracle who is weak to grass. After you beat all four of them you can face of with the champion.
Diantha is the Final Four champion. She will send out a lvl 64 Hawlucha who is weak to psychic moves, a lvl 65 Aurorus who is weak to fighting moves, a lvl 66 Goodra who is weak to ice and dragon moves, a lvl 65 Tyrantrum who is weak to ground and dragon, a lvl 65 Gourgeist who is weak to ghost and dark moves, and finally a lvl 68 Gardevoir who is weak to poison and steel moves. After you beat her you and your Pokemon will be labeled as champions.
That will end the Pokemon X & Y Elite Four Guide, check back soon for more Pokemon guides!