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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Dominion Space: With Friends Like These... (Part 2)

Head Northeast to gather a large mineral-infested asteroid- the minerals will count towards a fund that upgrades the Hyperion, improving its attacks and defenses and adding more fighters to its bay.  Three mineral-laden locations will be marked for you, so that you can continue upgrading the Hyperion as you go.

Nearly due East is the next weapons platform, which you can take out with a single Yamato blast.  More minerals wait to the North, guarded by mag-mines.  You can take care of those how you like- move in and dodge, move in and jump, or even send your fighters out to distract them and establish their attack lines long before you have to worry about impacting them.

Head Southeast from here and you can encounter some Kel-Morian pirates, who have both a weapons platform and a capital ship that you will want to take out.  The platform is guarded by mag-mines, so be ready with a Jump or some fighters to distract and divert those, and then handle the enemy fighters on location as well.  Combine your Yamato Cannon and tac fighters to take out the main enemy ship, which will repeatedly cloak itself and let out EMP blasts.  Once the thing is finally destroyed, it'll drop a repair bot and you'll also gain access to the EMP weapon from the parts automatically salvaged.  This will let you disable all enemy ships within a certain distance of the Hyperion each time you use it, and lasts four seconds when fired.

Move back to the main path and head Northeast to take out an enemy weapons platform, as well as several fighters.  Two more platforms and an enemy battlecruiser wait just beyond, so move in along the South edge of that area to get your best angle of attack (and pick up more minerals).  After the platforms you'll have to deal with a starbase that is launching additional fighters against your forces, so make sure you attack it in tandem with some of Valerian's fighters.  Once you've destroyed the starbase, Valerian's blue base will warp to this new location, and start launching fighters from there.  Before you move on, though, turn your attention to the Northeast, where a large mineral field is guarded by a pair of fighters and two large clusters of mag-mines.  Warp into the area and then use your fighters and jump capacity to bypass them without getting hit, then collect enough minerals to add a second upgrade to the Hyperion before returning to the main channel through the asteroid field.