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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Dominion Space: With Friends Like These... (Part 3)

More minerals wait along the path to the Northwest, but so do a number of mag-mines further along.  Stay back and let the automatic fighters trigger those so you can keep out of range, then move in and collect the resources as you head for the next of Mira Han's bases.  This one holds two starbases in addition to the pair of weapons platforms, but thankfully the automated fighters Valerian is providing you with are now accompanied by bombers as well, so it should be fairly easy to handle this fight.  Keep your eye on the enemy fighters and make sure you're launching the Hyperion's tac-fighters at every opportunity to keep them occupied.  If you have the EMP, you will have less to worry about on this, so in that case you can use your tac-fighters to take out the weapons platforms instead (not that the Yamato Cannon needs the help for any reason other than speed concerns). 

Another mineral cluster waits to the Northwest, guarded by more fighters but less mines than the last- at least initially.  Beware of the hidden cluster of mines to the far West corner of this space, as they aren't close enough to attack your tac-fighters initially and will ambush you when you move to take the main cluster of minerals.  Jump in and take out the enemy forces to scrounge up another upgrade for the Hyperion.

With the Hyperion maximized, there's little else you need here, and the remainder of the trip to the Northeast is one long fight.  Several weapons platforms, battlecruisers, and a whole trio of starbases wait here, alongside several clusters each of minerals and mag-mines.  At the end of it, you'll have to deal with Mira's main space station- which in addition to constantly spewing fighters, will occasionally emit a semicircle of mag-mines.  Keep your jump ability ready here and you can avoid getting hit at all, particularly if you maintain a heavy fighter presence around the base- since the mag-mines target the nearest enemy ship rather than the largest, you can generally keep the Hyperion out of the line of fire.

With the space station destroyed, Mira Han concedes defeat (and affection??) and agrees to hand over Colonel Orlan.