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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Dominion Space Achievements: With Friends Like These...

Normal Mode:

With Friends Like These (10):

MinedCraft (10):
Collect every mineral pickup.  For the most part, this isn't really an issue- the majority of the minerals you can find are easily spotted and, while not necessarily unprotected, there are no actual obstacles.  For the majority of the mineral asteroids.  There are two clusters at the very end of the mission, however, that it is remarkably easy to miss- one to the South and one to the West of Mira Han's space station.  Both of these are effectively guarded by all of the ships and bases in the area, and it's remarkably simple to just not notice them or, worse, notice them but not manage to divert the Hyperion to collect them quickly enough.  The best way to avert this is to go slowly- there is no time limit of any sort in this mission, so you don't need to rush.

Space Ace (10): Complete the mission without any mag-mines hitting the Hyperion.  This is actually the more challenging of the two significant Normal mode achievements here.  If you prefer to sweep the Hyperion in alongside its fighters or even launch them after moving in, you'll often find yourself being targeted by mag-mines faster than you can evade, thanks to the cooldown on the ship's Jump ability.  As with the final battle against the space station, your main protection here is that the mines will target the nearest enemy as soon as something enters range, and your fighters rebuild over time.  This means you can just send fighters out ahead of you and/or let the automated fighters that Valerian's station launches to distract the mines for you.  Their high movement speeds often mean the mines will miss, though, and that can actually be bad for you- a mine that unexpectedly misses its target may hit you instead.  To avoid this, clear out the mines from a maximum distance, before the Hyperion enters combat, and keep the ship out of the line of travel of the mines (which is fortunately displayed on your main screen once it locks in).

Hard Mode:

Ludicrous Speed (10): Complete the mission in 11 minutes or less.  The primary challenge here comes in the reduced time you can allocate to dodging mag-mines and collecting mineral asteroids.  While the EMP from the mercenary ship is of relatively minor importance (though sometimes quite fun), the mineral pickups can't really be cut out of your mission and still have the Hyperion strong enough at the end to avoid the final fight being a great hazard.  A good tactic is to move the Hyperion into the targeting areas of the magmines guarding the minerals and then jump it directly into the mineral patches once they have locked their paths.  This will combine evasion with gathering and let you move out more quickly.  You should also consider ignoring the smaller clusters of minerals here and there throughout the map, and make more use of the repair bots and your fighter escort.  There are limits, however, so a certain amount of this speed will have to come from just using the right placement of the ship and firing the Yamato Cannon as frequently as it is allowed.