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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 14 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (The Sewers)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 14 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (The Sewers)

Head along the submerged train cars to keep on going forward. When you get to the end of the first then you want to go to the right and climb up onto the ledge above the “Eye” graffiti. Shimmy along the ledge then Wall Launch onto the pipe above the next submerged car. Drop down then look for the icon in front of you. Lock on with the Spammer and blast it with a Junk Bolt. It will lower a wall panel and that will let you move on forward. Jump over to it and then head through the short passage.

At the end of the passage you will find a number of ledges leading up. Start climbing them going upwards. This will lead to a ladder above you that Nilin can take to reach the next level in the sewers. Just climb up and then run down the stairs into the Subway station. Once inside the station itself look for the open train door and head onto the train. As Nilin gets on the train the door will close behind her. Head toward the front of the train to find Johnny Greenteeth. A cutscene runs then he starts approaching Nilin. Just stand your ground or move and attack him. He will vanish instantly as Nilin connects with him. Another cutscene runs showing the train leaving the station as Leapers coming after it.

Head forward and use the Spammer on the Control Panel to the left of the door. This opens it and lets you press on forward. In the next room you have a few Leapers to deal with. Take them down quickly with your combos then open the next door with the Spammer. You have more Leapers and Johnny Greenteeth to deal with.

Johnny is trying to get through the sliding door at the far end of the train. Make your way over there and immediately blast either control with a Junk Bolt. This will shut the door on him. After a while he will try again. When he does, blast the other side which will trap him in the doorway. During the intermittent time Nilin must be occupied by fighting the Leapers who are there. Use your combos to wreck havoc on them. Alternatively just use Sensen Fury or DOS to get some quick knock outs and be done with them. When the fighting is over go over to Johnny and steal the memory that you need to get into La Bastille. The train comes to a very quick halt in fire and wreckage.

Nilin will get up and brush herself off after that. Head over to the right and toward the lit doorway just past the wreckage. As you get there, look to the right of it to find another Scaramech spinning around. Blast it to claim it for Nilin then head into the next doorway. Use the Spammer to open the door and move on forward.

On the other side of the door you will find a SAT Hatch. Heal up Nilin from any previous damage then go over to the right down the tunnel. Turn to the left and toward the stairs. Just past the top of the stairs you will find a Mnesist Memory: “AV-78 'Horn of Jericho'”. After that go down the stairs and over to the right. Go to the far end of the room and climb up the ladder. Wall Launch from the top to the walkway across from you then head on through the down-sloped train car. At the base of it exit to the right. Now look for a ledge to the left to climb up it. Once on the ledge go over to the right and find the hole in the nearby train car. There you will find another Scaramech. Blast it then head over to the left of the ledge you climb up to move forward. Duck underneath the metal shutters to keep going.

Just after that Nilin will be attacked by Leapers: A Skinner and numerous Prowlers. Remember you can use Sensen Fury to simply break the Skinner's guard and take him down with any number of other Leapers. Deal with them then hop over the fencing to continue on your path out of the sewers.