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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 15 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (Outer Sewers)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 15 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (Outer Sewers)

Head down the stairs on the other side of the fencing. Edge has a few things to say about the area as Nilin descends. At the base of the stairs you will find the first Remembrane where Johnny overhear 2 Enforcers talking about flushing the slums around La Bastille. Head down the stairs over to the left to the second Remembrane. Interact with it to see a safe path forward. Be sure to look over to the right to claim the Mnesist Memory: “Spammer”, which is sitting in the Mine Field. Just be sure to note where Johnny goes to avoid the few remaining mines and reach the ladder. Just next to the ladder is an Errorist Memory Panel. Note its location as you will need it shortly.

Have Nilin climb up the ladder and then jump over to the right and onto the next ledge. From there go to the next jump but do not go to the right. You should be directly above. Instead Wall Launch away and then Nilin will grab a previous unseen ledge. Climb up onto it and then head over to the SAT Patch there to claim it. Now jump back over to the other side and jump across the gap to the next building to the right. Just climb over to the right and up to make it to the platform above you.

From there she can reach the next few ledges and then solid ground without much trouble. Once you make it to the landing head over to the opposite side of it. Look to the right of the pole in front of you and you will find the last Scaramech of this area (making for a total of 10). Blast it then jump for the pole. From there make your way over to the left and along the ledges there and up them. When you make it to the left-hand side of the building drop down. A cutscene runs as Nilin drops onto some corrugated metal that will give way underneath her.

When she is back on her feet on the ground there is another Remembrane in front of her. This one you need to pay attention to. It is a complex mine field and Nilin will need as much health as possible for the upcoming fight. Interact with it and start forward with Johnny. Go to the right then turn to the left and get over to the box. You will find the next Remembrane next to it. Trigger it and follow the path Johnny lays out once again. Weave quickly through the mines and over to the left and the next box. Once again, the Remembrane pauses at the next box. Interact with the third Remembrane to get the next sequence to get through the mines. This has Nilin synchronizing with Johnny to deactivate the remaining mines and make it easier to just cross the field. Just head over to the manhole cover and this will give you the path forward. Move toward it and you will be in for the next big fight.

Zorn Fight
Start by immediately attacking the targetable arm with a Junk Bolt. It will weaken it to the point that when the Zorn attacks it will break off into the ground. You must sever it while the arm is in the ground else it will repair the arm. This leaves it with just 1 arm. Now use Sensen DOS and start firing on its second arm to break it off as well or at least massively weaken it. Once again, wait for it to pound the ground and get its arm stuck. At that point give it another series of blasts from the Spammer. It should remark on Nilin's strategy if everything is going right.

The next part is very specific so you need to pull it out to finish the fight. First, the Zorn will show a new Structural Weakness but only when it has just unleashed its Energy Burst. To avoid the burst Nilin needs to dodge toward it then lock on and give it a Junk Bolt. After that close in and begin the termination sequence. It is a simple sequence: Kick, Punch, Kick.

Just head on over to the manhole cover after that interact with it to finish out the episode and begin your break-in to La Bastille.