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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 16 – Episode 4: Panoptic Icon (Sewers)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 16 – Episode 4: Panoptic Icon (Sewers)

Nilin arrives in the sewers below  La Bastille. Edge tells her to track down the Madame as she is the keyholder for the memory servers. Head on forward and follow the red painted line on the ground after you climb over the grating. Move forward until you find a Security Drone in your way. Pause at that point and wait for it start moving away from Nilin's location. After that move forward and duck into the side room on the right. After that, wait for the drone to pass you by. At that point continue down the hall and get to the end of it. Follow it to the right to the large “07” on the wall. Just below that to the right you will find a Focus Boost. Grab it to likely add a new Focus chunk. With that added to your findings head back to where the Security Drone patrols. Wait for it to go by then quickly climb up the ledge opposite you underneath the Construction display. Cross over to the other side and Nilin will automatically drop down into the next area.

Immediately she will be in combat against Strangler Leapers and a Prowler or two. To see the Stranglers Nilin needs to either use Sensen DOS or activate the turbine. The turbine sheds light into the area forcing them to become visible. Sensen DOS disables their cloaking and stuns them for a time. Ultimately a combination of these two elements will work to bring about victory. The turbine has a short timer so you will need to hit it frequently after each use of Sensen DOS. Mix Sensen DOS with plenty of Cooldown Pressens and you will be able to use it again by the time you have the focus for it.

With the battle done there is still something to do around here. Turn and face where Nilin jumped down. Go over to the right of the large “08” and over to the ledge you can see there. Climb up into it. The Sensen will not always detect it immediately. From there shimmy across the top to the opposite side then climb up onto the balcony above you. Follow the walkway to find a Mnesist Memory: “Global Production Spike (2020)”.

Head back on down then go over to the right and find the vertical pipe. Climb up the pipe and go over to the right. Find the platform below you then drop down to it. Head forward to the ruined drone and interact with it. This will give you the Drone Detection Module. This will give you the overlay to see the drone's detection range. After that open the door using the Spammer and then go down the hallway and over to the left. There you will find a SAT Hatch so you can patch up Nilin. Just follow the Security Drone as it heads out up and out toward the end of the hallway. As the Drone turns to the right, keep going straight and into the alcove. There you can wait for the drone to pass you by then head out into the next part of the area. Just go straight ahead then turn to the right after you let the next security drone pass you by. Going here will let Nilin find a SAT Patch from the Errorist Memory Panel she likely saw on the way here. Collect it and this will add another chunk to your health gauge if you are on target. After that just wait for another Security Drone to pass by then follow it Counter-Clockwise around the area to the ladder. Climb it up and Wall Launch over to the balcony across from it. Head across this balcony and climb up the next ledge. Go over to the right and climb up and over to the right. On the far side you will want to to interact with the Cell Docking Controls. Activate them to bring a cell in. Head down the stairs and over to the right. Get into the cell you see there and ride it over into the Prison itself.