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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 13 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (The Leaking Brain to the Sewers)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 13 – Episode 3: High Tension/Deep Exit (The Leaking Brain to the Sewers)

Head on through the back part to reach the front of the place. As Nilin arrives she will find the place has come under attack by Leapers. This starts with a pair of Prowler Leapers. Take them out then a cutscene will run. Tommy explains he is working on something for Nilin but he needs more time to finish it. This puts Nilin against a good number of Prowlers. This is a great place to knock Leapers out of the arena and work on your 6-Hit Combo. Take your time to line up the knock outs when attempting. Otherwise just focus on beating the tar out of them.

When the fight is over Tommy will call Nilin over and give her an upgrade for the Spammer: The Junk Bolt. This has a separate trigger and lets Nilin do structural damage with the Spammer now. It completely drains the charge but it only takes 6 seconds for the Spammer to recharge. It is best, in the coming circumstances to not fire the Spammer while it is recharging. You have 45 seconds to complete the next objective is the big reason.

Time for a break down of how to seal the tunnel quickly. Immediately as the scene resumes target the structural weakness right in front of Nilin and the bar. This will make the counter weights vulnerable to Junk Bolt attacks. As the Spammer recharges move over to the left or right-hand side of the arena. Leapers will start appearing at this time. Ignore them and immediately shoot the counter weight on either side to bring it down. After that, fight a Leaper while the Spammer recharges. Once it has, immediately go to the other side of the arena and fire a Junk Bolt at the remaining counter weight. Now take out the Leapers who came charging at you. When the Leapers are down then a cutscene runs between Nilin and Tommy.

Play resumes at the bottom of the ladder. Back up some and target the glowing bars of the metal grating. Hit them with a Junk Bolt to blast them open and create a passage forward for Nilin. To the right of those bars you will find a SAT Hatch to heal up from the brawl. Climb up and through them to get started on this part of the episode.

Once inside the sewer tunnels go over to the right. Go forward and then turn to the left when you can. After that turn to the right and pass under the Valet Robot Torsos, but do not go down the slope ahead. Just after that turn to the left and head up to the grating. There is a control node Nilin can target with the Spammer. Hit it to bring the machine closer to her. Now backtrack some to the first grate in this section. Move up to it and look along the right. There you will find a Scaramech on the far end of the machine. Lock on and blast it with the Spammer before moving on and heading down the slope.

At the bottom of the slope look at the Errorist Memory Panel to get an idea of where the next boost item is. Head on forward from there to look for the “????” painted on the wall of a T-Intersection. Turn to the right and you will see the Mannequins that are pictured. Head among them and look to the right to find a Focus Boost.

With the Focus boost in tow head back to the “????” and go over to the left.  Just jump over to the ledge and start climbing down or just jump down. This will lead to a brawl with a number of Leapers, Prowlers. Keep on the submerged train car to avoid taking additional damage. There are only 4 to deal with before you can move on.