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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 34 – Episode 6: Rotten Core (XP Unit A1 to Prison Cell Interstice)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 34 – Episode 6: Rotten Core (XP Unit A1 to Prison Cell Interstice)

While the Drone is gone the Cell Block is still in Lockdown. Look to the right of the emergency ladder you climbed to reach Bad Request's cell the first time. You will find a Pick-Socket Charge you can extract so do so. Now put the Charge into the door to the left of the ladder. Follow the corridor to the left and into the room on the left. Go into the Left-hand side of the room and look around to find the Mnesist Memory: “Mnemoplis Tower”.

Head over to the elevator that is in this part of the area. Use the Pick-Socket to extract the Charge from the door then put it into the elevator to power it up. Ride the elevator then step out of it, extracting the Charge once again. Now, use the Charge on the cell nearby the emergency ladder. Head inside it to find a Scaramech that you can add to your collection by blasting it. After that, grab the Charge once again and head around to where Bad Request's cell was, jumping the gap as the elevator is on the lower floor now. Use the Charge to open the door. Continue on first to the end of the walkway you are on, to the final cell of this area. Turn around and look toward the central railing. There you will find the next Scaramech just spinning about. Shoot it then head on through the empty gap where Bad Request's Cell was.

Run up to the edge of the cell insert and jump for the far side. Make your way to the left from there then jump the gap. You will see Bad Request's cell being moved and your way forward blocked by another cell. Head over to the left after Edge tells Nilin to disrupt the Cell Distribution System.

Drop down onto the ledge to the left and move over to the right. You will see an icon for the Cell Dispatch Control Unit. Remember this as you will become it very soon. Drop down and move over to the left from there. Look into the grated wall in front of Nilin and find the Cell Dispatch Control System. Shoot it with a Junk Bolt and then Nilin will be able to manually manipulate the cells using the Force Spammer. Now head for the wall opposite the Control System and move against carefully to find a hidden passage there. This will give Nilin another SAT Patch, and likely, another chunk of Health. Now it is time to clear out of the Control Unit.

Climb back out of the Cell Dispatch Control Unit and head for the cell in front of Nilin. Use the Force Spammer to slide it over to the left. Go forward then follow the passage over to the right. Look to the left and use the Aug-Eye to find Bad Request. Wait for the scene to run then look up. Use the Force Spammer to lower the Cell so it drops to the level below. Jump out onto the support that appears in front of Nilin. Jump onto it and wait for it to dip under Nilin's weight. Once it has turn around and face the direction you just jumped in from. Use a Junk Bolt to destroy the Prison Cell Connection. Leap across from the support to there to enter  the Maintenance Hall. At the end of the hall you will find a Scaramech spinning around. Blast it then make your way back to the support Nilin was on a little while ago.

Now jump to other side and go around the corner to the left. Look up onto the railing above to the right and follow it. You will find a Scaramech on the right-hand end of it.