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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 33 – Episode 6: Rotten Core (Prisoner Lockers to XP Unit A1)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 33 – Episode 6: Rotten Core (Prisoner Lockers to  XP Unit A1)

With the Focus Boost acquired move the energy once more into the door and go through it this time. This leads into the “Administration and Prisoner Belongings” section. Once inside go over to the right and look for the closest, right next to the panel with “Door” on it. Head inside the closet and look to the to the right of the door. There you will find another Scaramech you can add to your collection. Only after you have gotten the Scaramech should you pull the power from the “Door”. After that head back toward the door you came through. Look to the right and through the window. You will want to look for the door controls that are on the wall to the right through the window. Use the Power you pulled from the Closet Door and put it into the door controls you can see through the window.

Head through the door you just opened and go over to the right. Be sure to grab the power from the door you just went through as Nilin will have much need of it throughout this episode. Hug against the right-hand part of the wall and make your way into the server room. There you will find Mnesist Memory: “New Economic Pact (2059)” sitting on the floor. Grab it then leave the room. Be sure to also grab the Power from the door once you pass through it back to the walkway you were in to access the Prisoner Belongings section of the area.

Nilin will be at the top of the stairs and a new Errorist Memory has appeared in front of the door she came through. Extract the power from the door Nilin just passed through and descend the stairs. Go over to the right and look for the powered down door there. Put the charge from Pick-Socket into it to open it. Inside there Nilin will find a SAT Patch.

Go on up the stairs toward the elevator but this time you will want to use the Pick-Socket to clear a new path through the powered down door. Inside this very noisy room you will find a SAT Patch sitting on the floor. Claim it to keep working toward your next chuck of health. Head on out of the room and grab the Charge from the door.

Head back up the stairs and go straight forward. Use the charge on the door ahead on Nilin to move on forward. For once you cannot immediately retrieve the charge. Go over to the right inside the room and wait for the door to open standing on the orange floor in front of it. Listen to why it opens as well. It is a quick line stating “Welcome back Dr. Green”. You will also see a quick shimmer as you enter the cell block.

Turn to the right and climb up the ladder. Go around the cell block to the right and head for Bad Request's cell. Have Nilin go up to the door and the the cell will be extracted and a Security Drone is launched. Quickly head for the railing and vault of it. When Nilin lands it is time for a fight. A few Elite Enforcers appear with Reconversion Leapers. Start the fight taking out the Leapers then going after the Elite Enforcer who is their handler. Remember to attack using Regren Pressens else Nilin takes very heavy damage taking down the Elite.

As the second wave of the fight begins you see Nilin up against 4 Reconversion Leapers with an Elite Enforcer in control. She weavers a little then remembers her final S-Pressen: Sensen-Camo. Immediately activate it, following the prompt, and circle around the Leapers to the Enforcer behind them. From there close in on him to get the Overload prompt on him. It will give Nilin a Focus bonus and make the Leapers susceptible to Sensen DOS. Take them out using Cooldown Combos if you want to use Camo again on the next Elite Enforcer. After that more the Reconversion Project is revealed. Time to rescue Bad Request.