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How To Play Simcity Buildit Game Easily

SimCity BuildIt, one of the hottest mobile strategy games available in both iOS and Android platforms, is really worth your time and effort to win. In this game, you have to spend time building up a city and manage everything in order. It is requires you to have a comprehensive thoughts to arrange everything. Want to be the best mayor? If so, consult our website and find the best SimCity BuildIt cheats!

Approaching SimCity BuildIt expecting a similar experience to previous SimCity titles is going to leave you disappointed. Contrary to the name, SimCity BuildIt isn’t really a simulator game. It leans more towards being a puzzle game where you spend a lot of time waiting to get the pieces of a neighborhood to put together. Planning out the neighborhoods that quickly begin to sprout into towns and then grow into cities wouldn’t be so bad if my involvement with the construction of my city was more, well, involved.

Like most check-back-in-ten-minutes-for-your-resources games, SimCity BuildIt forces players to wait various chunks of time for various types of resources. This isn’t a traditional SimCity game, and there is very little city management to do beyond remembering to not put a factory right in the middle of a residential area. Don’t miss out the best SimCity BuildIt tips at our website!

Instead, players must use their factories to farm resources to build up their residential areas. Every time a residential building is constructed or upgraded, it comes with a handful of coins which are needed to purchase utilities, more factories, or city services like fire stations and sewage plants.

Parts of your city will simply shut down if they go for too long without electric, plumbing, and so on. Early on, the solution is simple: add in some wind generators and water towers which automatically function no matter where they are placed.

Then, after progressing through a few levels, the need for service buildings (like fire departments) arises. Service buildings they will only serve the residential buildings they are in close proximity to. So, logically, a bigger city will need more fire stations.

Unfortunately service buildings cost a lot. The cheaper ones have smaller radii so you’ll have to buy a group of them to cover your entire city. You’ll spend the majority of your time farming resources from the factories in order to cash in on residency upgrades in order to afford the service buildings.

SimCity BuildIt certainly makes you feel good about waiting for those resources to cook up though. Every time a building is upgraded there is a fireworks show. Every time you collect resources there is a pleasant chiming sound. During the downtime you can pop the thought bubbles that your citizens have and hope to be rewarded a rare resource item that can go towards increasing your resource cap overall.

On the bright side, the game’s presentation is designed wonderfully. Once the skyscrapers start to pop up, the city begins coming to life. You can zoom in and follow individual cars as they drive out of driveways, down roads, to the store, and back home. The city lights up at night for a particularly nice visual treat, and overall the game runs without flaw.

If you are looking for the best strategy guides for SimCity Buildit, don’t hesitate to visit our site! We provide you with different categories of top free strategy games and practical guides online.