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Earn Money Playing Video Games

People love playing video games

From the old games like space invaders, galaga, to the new games like world of warcraft, cod 4, team fortress, eve. Gamer's will spend hours and hour's trying to be the best they can for a particular game.

The problem

Playing video games cost money sometimes thousands of dollars in equipment and subscriptions. Most gamer's would love a way to earn money and play games at the same time. These days there are a few ways for people to earn money from games.

You can hire your playing skills out to other people to raise the level of peoples characters. You can create how to guides and sell these. You could become a games reviewer or writer. You could learn programming and create your own games.

These methods of earning money are great if you have the skills and the inclination to do those tasks. Most gamer's however just want to play games and have fun and tease there friends.

The Solution

So how can the average gamer make money playing games. This year there has been a new games based platform focused on helping gamer's make money from gaming. The platform is called MMO Cashout.MMO stands for massive multiplayer online and well cashout is obvious. The concept is to provide gamer's with the opportunity to utilize there gaming connections to produce income.

MMO Cashout has 4 components. The 4 components are MMO Cashout, MMOBUYit, MMOListit, and MMOPlayBook.MMO Cashout is the central hub were you can build your gaming empire. It consists of squatters, peasants, squires, and royal. Each level provides different privileges which has a bearing on potential income.

Squatters are people who have registered for free, and are able to check out the benefits of the platform. Squatters have access to MMOBuyit and MMOPlaybook

Peasants are people who have had a look at the platform and decided they would like to build a kingdom and make some money. It is $10 a month subscription which gives you access to:

  • Access to your own replicated sites MMOBuyIt, and MMO Playbook
  • Sell items via MMOBuyIt, our online marketplace
  • Free in-game VOIP service
  • Send gift certificates to others through email
  • Post gaming tips and training on the blog
  • Receive a % share for items sold on MMO BuyIt
  • Updates from video gaming industry through feeds and newsletters
  • Earn up to $2/month taxes from all your Kindred’s
  • Earn up to $0.25/month for every Soldiers within your kingdom

Squire's have the same access as peasants however they can earn up to $10 dollars per kindred and up to $1 per solider. Squires monthly subscription is $50

Royals have the same access as squires and can earn up to $20 per month from kindred and $3.50 per month per soldier. Royals monthly subscription is $100.

Begin your journey today check it out here