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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 24 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (Residence to Schoolyard)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 24 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (Residence to Schoolyard)

Now that Joel and everyone is inside the house there are some finds to be found. Start by searching the Family Room, Kitchen and Dining Room for supplies. There is usually a cabinet that can be opened you will want to find. Search the entryway quickly for things then head on up the stairs to the second floor. Bill will call out to Joel but ignore him for now.

When you are upstairs first check the closet on the left for supplies. After that move into the baby room and look around it to potentially find some Supplements. Finally move into the kid's room. First, there is a diary on the window sill. This is an artifact: “Boy's Diary”. Ellie will also come into the room and want to talk. Do so it learn more about her. After that head on downstairs and meet up with Bill in the garage. Take a little time to explore it to find more arrows then go over to the garage door to help out Bill in opening it. You have nearly made it to the school.

Bill pill point out the truck and you will undoubtedly notice the Runners that are patrolling the area. There are 6 total that would need to be either dealt with or avoided. The good news is that it is very easy to move in behind them and take them all down using Stealth Kills because they are well spaced apart.

If you want to make a fire fight of it that is also possible. It is recommended, for the guns blazing approach, to get onto the Group 4 Bus to Boston. This give you the height to get a good vantage and lets you easily deal with the Infected in a more orderly fashion.

When the Infected have been dealt with you can then make your way through the buses over to the school itself and to the Military truck. Head over to the right and to Bus 1 – Springfield. Start between it and the previous bus but move slowly. There are Runners that will appear and come after you. If you throw a Nail Bomb ahead then be especially careful because of the power those things have.

After that fight head forward and over to the left. There you will find a bus with a ladder on it. Go over to it and interact with it so Ellie can get on top of it and push the ladder down to Bill and Joel. Climb on up it and head across the bus into the outskirts of the school yard itself. Run quickly over to the far side of the building the truck is plowed into. The fence is giving way and there are a lot of Runners and Clickers after your little group. Get over to the over the vent and open it if Bill does not open it first and get inside. A cutscene runs with Bill forcing open the hood of the car and finding the battery is gone as the others kill the Infected out. After that just enjoy the rest of the cutscene.