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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 23 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (Residence)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 23 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (Residence)

Either from hopping over the pole and turn to the right or just heading through a hole in the fence the backyard of this residence has a good number of Infected in it. There is only 1 you really need to worry about: The Clicker. Either you can get them with a stealth kill by creeping up behind them or you can throw a bottle to get its attention and follow that up by throwing either a Nail Bomb or a Molotov at it and any of the Runners that come to investigate as well. There are only 2 of them in the backyard so if you get them both you can move around freely.

With the Infected dead head on up to the house that sits at the top of the hill. There are a few things to loot from here. First go into the garage on the left. There you can find a number of Crafting Items. After that head into the main house and go over to the right. Find the Laundry Room, a small room with an ironing board, washer and dryer and look on the dryer. You will find a Firefly Pendant. With those things in hand head on out of the house to the left and toward the next yard.

When you make it into the yard turn to the left immediately and head for the detached garage with the planks on it. Cross over them onto the roof of the garage. From there you will want to head for the far side and drop down into the alley. It is possible to wipe out the Runners and Clicker here but it takes a lot of patience and expends a Shiv for the Clicker kill. It is also recommended to head into the garage and look along the back wall as there are some Parts that can be found here. After that slip through the yard to the left and keep against the back fence. This will ensure you can get through without incident. Just be sure to take the first left out into the alleyway again.

Head down the alley and go into the next garage. You will find Parts just inside on the left-hand side, a Bow (if you missed the one earlier) and arrows. Loot all that then head to the garage on the left where Ellie and Bill likely are. Go up to the door and try to open it. A quick little scene happens and Ellie will ask you to pull the boards off the pet door. Do so and she will squeeze through then open the door for you. Ellie will also tell you there are more Clickers inside the house. 4 to be exact. 2 are on the patio while another 2 are inside.

You have a few options to deal with all of this. The first is to open fire. This will draw all the Clickers to you and force you to continue to use ammo until they are all dead. The second is to Shiv them all with Stealth kills. If you have  2 Shivs at Full Durability with the Training Manual, you can do it, but that is still 2 Shivs. The final option is just outright stealth. This is not easy and could call for a restart or two either way. Still, something of a combination serves you best.

Start by sneaking past the first Clickers. Remember to move slowly. Using Listen Mode is recommended as it will slow Joel down and make it easier to just set a low speed to make it into the house. Once inside head over to the left. Head on past the Clicker and down the hallway. Go into the first room on the right. There you can likely find more ammo and some Crafting Items. There is sometimes a Clicker in here so be ready in case there is to take them out. The supplies can make up for the expenditure.

Just head outside the house now and over to the left. Bill will point out an RV that you can climb up onto. Do so then use the plank to across into the Tree House then drop down into the yard below. The yard seems clear for once so head over to the left and grab the Plant there for some Supplements. You can also go to the shed across the way to find some Crafting Items inside. With all that in hand go over and into the house.