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. Plays, 4th July 2015

Tom Orry, Editor – Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4

Batman: Arkham Knight screenshot

After a week of slow progress in Arkham Knight, I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next. I've just experienced the first surprise (a neat one it was too), but had to turn off immediately after to get my beauty sleep. The Batmobile still feels like a good addition to me, although I'm still pretty early in the story so annoyances might not have reared their heads yet.

Steve Burns, Deputy Editor – Kitchen, PS4

Kitchen screenshot

Well then, that Kitchen game, eh? Turns out it's pretty good, if not quite as scary as billed. (This is generally what happens when you hear ridiculous superlatives about a game before you play it.) It's still destined to frighten many that play it half to death, and the use of VR is excellent. Shame that no-one will really be able to play it, if Capcom's bluster is to be believed: the publisher is deliberately keeping it back from people, perhaps to foster a myth around it. Good strategy, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do next with the tech.

Dave Scammell, News Editor – Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4

Batman: Arkham Knight screenshot

I'm nearing the end of Arkham Knight and the Batmobile is rapidly starting to outstay its welcome. It's a shame because, when it isn't being a secret tank game, Arkham Knight is fantastic. I didn't even particularly mind the Batmobile once I'd gotten used to how it controlled - in fact, I'd even started to enjoy it. But the classic (read: dated) video game trope of throwing bigger and more tanks at the player to defeat as they progress clearly proved too much of a temptation for Rocksteady. Disappointing.

Besides that, though, I've loved my time in Gotham. The twists and turns have sparked some genuine jaw-to-the-floor moments, and gliding around Gotham is as fun as it ever was. It's a classic, just as its predecessors were, but please Rocksteady, more Batman, less Bat-tank next time around.

Simon Miller, Head Of Video Production - Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4

Batman: Arkham Knight screenshot

Batman: Arkham Knight may be one of the biggest travesties to hit PC gaming in quite some time, but the game itself - when it works - remains utterly tremendous.

You can whack a score on the end of a review and argue why you did it till the cows come home, but the ultimate way to judge a game's impact on you is how you treat it once you're finished. The fact I'm still playing Arkham Knight is a testament to how good it is.

Even if it's just gliding around Gotham City I'm pretty happy, and it's the first piece of digital entertainment (maybe ever) where I'm excited about extra content coming out for it. I'm sure it'll be rubbish - when isn't it? - but anything that gives me the excuse to jump back in is okay with me.

This is why I don't get care about those, admittedly, poorly thought out Batmobile sections. I'm passed them now. They're irrelevant to me. Whereas all the good that Arkham Knight offers is still there to tinkle with.

Fallout 4 will be in with a shout, and I imagine Metal Gear Solid 5, too. But will these beat out Batman for 'Game Of The Year'? Unlikely...

Brett Phipps - Guides Editor - Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4

Batman: Arkham Knight screenshot

I'm currently 94% complete in my main campaign in Arkham Knight, with just a couple of floor mines and towers left, along with the Riddler trophies.

As much as I'd love to 100% the game, the Riddler trophies aren't proving fun. I've just bought the season pass, and Harley Quinn's story mission is already infinitely more interesting than trying to work out how to drag a magnetized ball around a maze.

While running around Gotham, I've also managed to put a few guides together, so if you've found yourself struggling to get to grips with the Batmobile, combat, stealth sections or any of the Riddles, click here.

For those who have finished the game, Miller and I had a spoilerific chat, which you can listen to right here, too.