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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 25 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (The School to Residence)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 25 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (The School to Residence)

Head on forward down the hallway in front of you. There are still Infected to deal with and not just the ones trying to get at you from behind. Just run forward for now to the first intersection. You will find more Infected there. Largely it is Runners but there are Clickers as well which makes things easier. Throw something to distract them then lob a Molotov or a Nail Bomb to deal with them. After that go up the stairs to the left quickly so you can find some Crafting Items. Now head into the room across the hallway.

In this room, a Lab, you will find a second group of Infected that will rush you. There is likely 3 Runners and a Clicker to deal with. If you are using the Shotgun remember to wait for them to get close to you then blast them away. When the fight is over take a little time to search the area as you can find a Melee Baseball Bat there and some other useful items. After that head over to the left and through the door there.

This leads to another hallway. At the end of it you have at least 3 Runners sauntering around.  Take them down quickly then make a sprint for the end of the hallway. Go to the door on the right and interact with it. Joel will get Bill to help him force the door open. On the inside you will have a moment to reload then a Bloater, a person who has been infected for a very long time, will appear. He is quickly backed up by 2 Runners. Tempting it maybe to take down the Runners, only deal with them when they present a clear and present threat. The big threat is the Bloater. It can one-shot Joel without much difficulty if it gets close enough and it will be pelting you with “grenades” in the mean time.

Killing the Bloater can be done fairly easily but it takes a little effort. First, lob a Molotov right onto it. After that get in close enough for a good shotgun blast and let loose with it. That should take it down without much more trouble. After that deal with the Runners.

With the Infected dead go for the storage room the Bloater came out of. Look to the left inside there to find a number of Crafting Items and other useful things. Now go over to where Bill is and help him and Ellie get up onto the top of the Bleachers. Before Joel can make it up to the top 3 Runners will rush him. The first 2 are very close together while the third lags behind and can be handled separately. Just follow Ellie and Bill out the window to the right after that and drop down to ground level again. Take off running after them then climb up the ladder from there. The group searches around the house see what can be found. Ellie will find a car that has some juice left in it. It appears the corpse, Frank, had the same idea as Bill and Joel: get a car running.

Before get behind the truck to start pushing it head back into the house itself. First, check the kitchen counter for Supplements. After that search the far room for Crafting Items. After you grab everything you can in that room go over to the right. You will find an artifact: “Note From Frank”. Grab it, read it if you want, then take it over to Bill. You can either keep it or give it to him. It is recommended to give it to him so you can then collect the second artifact it becomes. After that go around to the back of the truck and interact with it. Time to get the truck rolling.