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Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 15 – Magic Slaughter: Round 1

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 15 – Magic Slaughter: Round 1

Wave 1
As with every circle of slaughter it is broken into 6 rounds with 4 waves in each round. The very first is the easiest by far. Start by going over and pull the Lever O' Magic. This puts you against a mix of melee skeletons with at least 2 Fractured Skeleton. Remember to listen to Murderlin. What he calls out gives you a hint as to which of the numerous traps in this area are about to trigger. Those melee skeletons are followed with numerous archers that immediately begin firing on you. Just keep on the move and avoid what you can. With the constant shifting of the arena you will find plenty of cover to avoid the incoming arrows. The final part of the wave has you going up against a small number of skeleton mages. Just find them and kill them. Thankfully they are not the Conjurer's who are moving around all the time.

Wave 2
This puts you up against and other collection of skeletons, this time mixed between melee and ranged with at least 1 Badass Skeletons. You will see some Sceptral Skeletons so remember to use Explosive-Type damage on them for quicker kills. Keep moving to avoid the worst that they can do. Remember that skeletons are a bit harder to hit and are susceptible to Corrosive-Type damage even though they are not armored. Any Fractured or Crystallized Skeletons are exceptionally vulnerable to Explosive-Type damage so take advantage of that. Keep on guard against the traps as well because Murderlin will use them more and more as the waves and rounds go on.

Wave 3
Get on through that part and the orcs will start appearing. This puts you against numerous hirelings, warriors. They are all melee so move around and use the traps that Murderlin is throwing up to your advantage. Depending on your style of play, this round could means lots of running or just charging in and smashing it all to pieces.

Wave 4
Once again, the round starts with skeletons coming at you. The hard part is there are more Badass Skeletons for you to deal with. This is followed by more orcs. This time the orcs have the Chargers added into the mix with the other melee units of Warrior and less Hirelings. This part wraps up with one Badass Warlord Orc coming after you.

Rewards: 4 Eridium, XP: 430