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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 56 – Chapter 8: The University (Science Building: Escaping)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 56 – Chapter 8: The University (Science Building: Escaping)

Time to start evading humans. Head on back the way you came through the building. While you have been spotted by a person there are more who do not know where you are. Keep this up until you have an encounter with 2 of the Survivors. They will try to ambush you as you leave the lab where you saw the monkeys.. You will want to deal wit them quickly. If you do not have a hatchet, there is a chance at least 1 of them will drop 1 for you so grab it. Now head on back through the tunnel and aim for the Fire Extinguisher you can see on the left-hand side of the door ahead. Wait for the survivors to appear then shoot it. Dash into the fog of it then head over to the left and out onto the balcony.

From there move into the right-hand lab and use it to sneak up on the next Survivor who is ahead of you. It is not too hard to pull off thankfully as he is not too attentive. Deal with them then head for the stairs down to the second floor.

As you round the landing 2 Survivors will rush the bottom of the stairs. Either lob a Nail Bomb or a Molotov at them to dispatch them quickly. Now head on out to the balcony. Over to the left there is another Survivor waiting to hear from the others. Gun him down then make for the door at the far end of the balcony.

When you make it to the end of the balcony and try to open the door one of the Survivors will burst through and attack Joel. Mash “Square” to fight him off. Unfortunately both he and Joel fall down to the first floor. The problem there is Joel gets a piece of rebar through the gut. Ellie will rush down and ask Joel what she can do to help. First, he tells her to move. Gun down both of the Survivors who come through the door (if you cannot shoot them both quickly enough then Ellie will get the other). She will help Joel of the rebar and toward the door and the horse waiting ahead.

Keep with Ellie as they head into the building. Go through the window and Joel will just fall onto the ground. A short while later another Survivor will show up. Wait for Ellie to distract him then gun him down. After that just keep moving forward, stumbling along as Ellie leads you out of the building. Do not worry about the 2 Survivors that show up just after Joel falls down again. Ellie will take care of them though she takes a good hit in the process. Just follow her outside to get to the horse and start on your way out from the University.