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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 70 – Chapter 10: Bus Depot (Underground Tunnel, Part 3)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 70 – Chapter 10: Bus Depot (Underground Tunnel, Part 3)

In this hallway you will find a massive pool of water. Look up using the prompted button and Ellie will point out the hospital. Time to do some swimming to get so Ellie can get across as well. Dive into the water and head over to the right. Head into the hallway and swim quickly over to the right to make it out to the next room where there is air. Climb up and head over to the right, through the door there. Look around the top and you will see a path leading through from the previous room. Head back into the room where you surfaced and look to the right for the raised platform. Climb up it and onto the ventilation. Follow it over the water and through to the next room. Sidle through the narrow opening and over to the end of the platform. You will find a pallet to drop into the water. Do so and then go over to the right and drop yourself down into the water.

Grab the pallet in the water and bring it over to Ellie. Take her across to the platform on the left. She will climb up and start looking for a ladder so Joel can get up as well. Swim over to the platform Ellie was on and head to the ladder you see there. Ellie will drop it down. Have Joel go over there and climb up it once she drops it down. The ladders breaks off the wall.

Turn around and place the ladder against the opposite wall over the doorway. Climb up it then haul it up. Head over to the left and drop it down onto the platform below you. Drop down next to it then grab it. Take it over to the gap between the 2 platforms on this side. Place it so it covers the gap and cross over it. Now head on up the stairs to catch up with Ellie. Follow the walkway to the river that is moving through the tunnel.

Head down the ruined cars to the left to the trailer on the far side. Climb up onto the car on the far side. If you fall into the water here just climb up onto the car nearby to the left. Now head over to the left, along the cars. Run and jump toward the ventilation shaft that is hanging from the ceiling. After cutscene head up it and make to jump to the bus below. Cross the bus and it will break away from the side. Joel can climb up onto the walkway but it will give as the bus does and he gets swept away.

 Mash triangle to grab a rung and hold on. After that help Ellie pry the door open. You will swept away. You are now underwater. Swim forward to find Ellie floating just in front of you. Grab her by swimming at her. Then just continue forward until you can get out of the water. This will bring the chapter to an end as the Fireflies find Joel and Ellie.