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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 71 – Chapter 11: The Firefly Lab (The Hospital)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 71 – Chapter 11: The Firefly Lab (The Hospital)

When Joel comes to, he finds Marlene who explains just what has been going on and what they want to do with Ellie. As things are explained to Joel, he comes to strongly disagree with what they are talking about doing. This leads to a direct conflict of interest between the Fireflies and Joel. Marlene insist on Joel leaving after their disagreement. Joel does not leave without a fight and he gets the information he needs.

This is a section you want to stealth through because there is going to be heavy fighting later. If you can eliminate a lone Firefly, go for it. This holds true for this whole floor of the Hospital. You will also find a lot of bottles and bricks. Take advantage of this to use them for distractions. There is no shortage of them so make good use of them.

Joel starts against a wall with Fireflies coming after him. Head into the room you can access via the window on your left. Search around it carefully to avoid being spotted. There are Crafting Items on the table just in front of you. Now head on through to the far side of the room and hop through the window there. Look at the end of the gurney to find some more Crafting Items. Wait there for a minute as there is a Firefly who patrols around here. Once he has turned around start North. Use the next room only for cover and to avoid notice. Head into the following room and look around it in the middle to find Supplements. If you need a little more in terms of Crafting Items, head over to the top room on the Eastern side. Look around the bathroom to find more.

Time to move forward a little. Head back to the lab that had the Supplements. Grab a bottle or a brick and head over to the left-hand side of this room. Once there use the bottle or brick and lob it just past the pair of Fireflies in front of you. Head into the hallway through the window, turn right and go into the next room. Immediately break off to the right and hide behind the table. There is some Health and a few Crafting Items on it so grab them. If you are especially daring then head into the room to the left of this table. There are more Crafting Items but there are Fireflies actively walking that area. Lobbing things to distract them comes to mind. Just grab what is in there then head back to where you found the Health. It is a lot easier to sneak on through the outside of the area than through the middle. Get through there quickly and over to the place with the few stationary Fireflies. You need to lob a bottle or brick past them then quickly make your way to the arching corridor and around the bend.

As you go through this long, turning corridor, duck behind the first desk you come upon. You will find some Crafting Items there. Grab them then head through the rest of the corridor. Favor the left as you exit as there are some Supplements hidden on the far side of the chairs on that side. From there just sneak on over to the stairwell, dealing with whatever Fireflies block your way.

Once inside the stairwell Joel automatically blocks the door. Now start on up the stairs to the Sixth floor where they have Ellie. Head on up.