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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 69 – Chapter 10: Bus Depot (Underground Tunnel, Part 2)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 68 – Chapter 10: Bus Depot (Underground Tunnel, Part 2)

Climb up onto the trailer with the Red Lion Head on it having dealt with the nearby Runners and Clickers in the watery portion of the tunnel. Things do not look good as you have 2 Bloaters, 2 Clickers and 2 Runners waiting on the other side. There are 2 additional Runners that will join the fray when it starts so keep that in mind. Head over to the right-hand side of the tunnel, where the room with all the goodies is Slip down to the end of the walkway. There you will find some more ammo but you will also be in a very good position to deal with the Infected.

Start by dealing with the nearby Runner. Choke him out or just kill him with an arrow shot. Next, wait for the Clicker to come close by and Shiv her. That helped a good bit. Now you have the Runner on the far side, a Clicker and 2 Bloaters.

Dealing with the rest will likely involve open combat unless you can pick off the Runner and the Clicker around the Bloaters to reduce it down to just them. This is very possible, but it takes some patience. Move to the middle of the tunnel and pick off the Runner using the Bow. Move to his former location and climb up onto the walkway. Now move very slowly toward the Clicker. You can get close enough to shiv them with not too much effort aside from the slow movement. Now the Bloaters can be killed without too much more effort. Lob a bottle or brick between them then throw a Molotov and a Nail Bomb. That should kill them off. If they are still up and moving then throw another of either at them.

Head to the far end of the area the Infected were in. You will find another trailer blocking the way. Give Ellie a boost up to the top of it and she will drop down a crate so Joel can climb up. Do so and drop over the far side. Head over to the left-hand side and climb along the ventilation shaft to find your way on over to the trailer ahead with the fire truck coming out of it. Move to the right and drop into the water. Swim underneath it and out the other side. Climb up the ledge on your right to get up and over the ruins of the trailer onto the fire truck. Grab the ladder and lower it down to Ellie. Now climb up onto the ventilation shaft and head to the end of it. You will find another Comic Book for Ellie. Drop off the shaft now into the water. Go over to the right-hand side and join Ellie. Head to the door in the chain-link fence and try it. It is jammed. Now head to the far end of the stairwell, grab the ammo from nearby the corpse then boost Ellie through the opening above. She will go and open the door to the right for Joel. Or try when she gets jumped by a Clicker. Joel needs to quickly kill it. Optionally you can just shoot it while it is in the back right corner of this room. There is a hole in the fencing nearby where you can boost Ellie through. Use that to get the shots in that you need to kill it.

Head on through the now un-jammed door. Head over to the stairs on the left. There is a Workbench you can get at but there are more supplies nearby. First, grab the stuff of the table on the left, opposite the Workbench. Now head into the next hallway and turn to the right. Try the door there then use a Shiv on it. Inside you will find the usual trove of goodies. After that head over to the Workbench and upgrade what you can. Now head back into the hallway where you found the Shiv door and go over to the left. Duck underneath the low hanging pipe and go on out the door there.