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Skyrim Sidelines- Red Eagle's Sword: Burning Vengeance Quenched

Use the stand to insert the sword, opening a new tunnel in the far wall of the cave.  Four mushroom patches later, you'll find yourself at the verge of the tomb of Red Eagle itself.  Advance fearlessly here, but be ready- halfway across the area after the first set of stairs, Red Eagle will extract himself from his tomb and attack, supported by a trio of archer skeletons.  The skeletons are thankfully negligible by comparison to Red Eagle.

Of course, you would need to focus on him even if they weren't- Red Eagle is immensely tough, and wields a large flaming sword that dishes out fantastically hard hits in melee.  Close combatants need to have lots of health potion on hand or be dealing out similarly magnificent attacks in order to bring him down without dying very quickly.  Just to make things worse, Red Eagle knows the Fus Ro Dah Thu'um, and will happily use it on you and any follower(s) you choose to gang up on him with, interrupting the fight rather unpleasantly.  Ranged attackers will have a hard time of it here, as there's little you can do to prevent Red Eagle catching up to you- unless you're particularly stealthy, in which case you can often troll him to death from the tunnel that leads to his crypt, plunking him a couple times with arrows or spells and then scurrying away only to return and repeat.

On the upside, the skeletal archers fall when Red Eagle does.  Once you have manhandled Red Eagle sufficiently to return him to death, you can toss his corpse for a very mighty Ancient Nord Greatsword with a 10-damage burning enchantment on it.  The treasure behind his coffin is the real loot-fest.  Two soul gems, an assortment of high-value gear and a couple of middling items, a large potion, two coinpurses and a chest stuffed to the gills with valuables round out the rewards for finally completing this quest.

Just as an added kicker, grab the sword out of the weapon stand on your way back out- instead of Red Eagle's Fury, it is now Red Eagle's Bane- an unique one-handed weapon with an enchantment that sets undead on fire and sends them running for fully half a minute.  If you're finding yourself in a lot of sticky situations with low-end draugr, this sword is a huge boon to you.