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. Plays, 17th October, 2015

Tom Orry, Editor - Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4

Batman: Arkham Knight screenshot

After months of thinking about returning to Batman, but playing PES or Rocket League instead, I finally went back this week. It wasn't the smoothest of returns, with the multitude of mechanics being a bit overwhelming at first, but soon I was back in the groove. I glided over to an airship and battered everyone inside, which was good fun. Still had to have one game of PES, though, so Batman had to go so I could play out a 0-0 drawn with Spurs at home to Arsenal. Good times.

Steve Burns, Deputy Editor – Broforce, PC

Broforce screenshot

Remember Broforce? Yeah you do. It's been in early access since before you were born, but it's finished and out now and guess what? It's still Pretty Good. Especially in multiplayer, unless you're on it with Jim and then it's a relentless look into the mind of a man who looks at teamwork the same way Ronaldo does.

Anything else? Well, I did play Super Awards Show Adventure at the GMAs. It's part strategy game (who did I piss off this year?) part interactive fiction (clapping the other winners), and is generally great fun.

Finally, I was meant to be playing Rainbow Six Siege, but due to my phone breaking (it's now in the bin, for failing me) I was stranded in London with only an address to go on. Said address seemingly didn't exist: even the people in the cab rank didn't know where it was. Turns out: it does exist, but I still missed the event. This is how Piers Hernu felt that time. What do you mean you don't know who Piers Hernu is?