Plants vs. Zombies 2
We here at browsergamez.com are really concerned about our readers. We want all of you to always have a good time gaming. Sometimes, it can be hard to thoroughly enjoy a game if it is too difficult. We all know that the tower defense game Plants vs. Zombies 2 can be quite difficult at times. The newest world to be added to the mobile game is no exception. After we have explained how to make it through level 5 of the Big Wave Beach, we will devote our time to share how to best survive level 6 of the tropical world.
In level 6, you are challenged to survive two huge waves of zombies. The game mode is almost regular, aside from the fact that you only have a limited choice of plants. The Sunflower, Peashooter, Wall-nut, Lily Pad, and Tangle Kelp have all been selected for you already. The approaching zombies include regular zombies, Coneheads, Bucketheads, Snorkel Zombies, and Imp Mermaid Zombies. We recommend you equip yourself with Snapdragons and Lightning Reeds. 
When the tide came in, all plants except for the first Snapdragon from the top drowned.
One thing you should be aware of when playing this level is that only two rows remain dry when the tide comes in and that five rows are dry during low tide. Whenever the tide is going out, the Imp Mermaid Zombies appear at the fifth row. We recommend quickly preparing yourself against their attack by positioning Wall-nuts on Lily Pads on the fourth row as quickly as you can. Aside from that focus on planting Sunflowers (you need at least an entire row of them) and defending yourself against the first few regular zombies by positioning Peashooters (you should have an entire row of those too). Don’t forget to position your plants on the two rows on the right of the stage on Lily Pads to save them from drowning when the tide comes in. 
This is how to survive the attack!
When using the Tangle Kelps to pull down Bucketheads, keep in mind that their respawn time is quite high. You will need to tactically time when you use this powerful aquatic plant. We chose to equip ourselves with Snapdragons and Lightning Reeds because these are effective against the Snorkel Zombies who your Peashooters can't hit because they are too low. Only when they reach your Wall-nuts do they raise their heads out of the water to attack them.
If you position your plants as shown on the screenshot above, you should have no problem to succeed against the hordes of zombies.