Plants vs. Zombies 2
A few days ago, the guys and girls over at PopCap released a new world for Plants vs. Zombies 2. We told you, we’d help you make it through the more difficult levels, and it seems like we’ve already stumbled upon the first challenging stage. Day 5’s goal is to protect four plants against the walking dead – two Phat Beets and two Wall-Nuts. We tried a few approaches and found one to work fairly well. The number one problem of this stage is that it gets very hectic very quickly. You need to work quickly to protect those four plants and defeat all zombies.
You will be facing Neon Zombies, Neon Coneheads, Neon Bucketheads, and worst of all Punk Zombies. If you need particular help with these pesky creatures, you should follow our advice in this tip! Accordingly, we recommend that you equip yourself with Sun-Shrooms, Twin Sunflowers, Spikeweeds, Guacodiles, Endurians, Stallias, and Phat Beets.
Basically, what you need to do in this level is act quickly. That’s why we chose Sun-Shrooms, as they will allow you to quickly increase your sunlight. Plant two of them and then one Twin Sunflower as soon as you can. While you do so, slow down the first zombies with a Stallia and plant an Endurian if necessary. Plant the last two Sun-Shrooms as soon as you can and focus on protecting your plants. You should position as many Spikeweeds as you can (two in each lane preferably). The combination of Phat Beets and Spikeweeds should defeat the Punk Zombies rather quickly. Whenever things get rough, plant a Stallia or destroy a lane with the help of the Guacodile.
This was our setup at the end of the level.
Try to save the green leaves for the big waves of zombies. Use it on a Stallia to slow everyone down or on a Phat Beet.