Plants vs. Zombies 2
If you’ve finished the first grade of elementary school, you will know that seven follows five and six. After we’ve helped you make it through both of these levels in Plants vs. Zombies 2’s Big Wave Beach world, it is only fair to also give you some essential tips for level seven of the latest big update for the free-to-play tower defense game.
The biggest challenge of level 7 is the rising tide which will flood the entire stage as the hordes of zombies approach. Once flooded, the stage will remain like this until the last zombie is defeated. The approaching zombies include regular zombies, Coneheads, Bucketheads, Snorkel Zombies, and Imp Mermaid Zombies. The tide comes in quite rapidly (as do the walking dead), so be prepared to swiftly place your plants on Lily Pads. Speaking of plants, you should equip yourself with Twin Sunflower, Snapdragon, Lightning Reed, Pea Pod, Infi-nut, Lily Pad, and Tangle Kelp. 
This is what your stage should like at the beginning!
This level is really quite difficult. Timing is of the essence; setting your priorities straight as well. Not only do you have to plant your sunflowers to make sure that you stock up on sun, but you also have to defend yourself against the quickly approaching zombies, while making sure that all of your plants are placed on Lily Pads. Quickly position two Snapdragons on two Lily Pads somewhere in the middle of the stage. We recommend the second and fourth lane from the top. Protect them with Infi-nuts and tend to your Twin Sunflowers. 
This is what the stage should potentially look like at the end!
Your end goal is to have one entire row of sunflowers and one entire row of Snapdragons protected by Infi-nuts. Additionally place as many Lightning Reeds and Pea Pods as possible. Use your Tangle Kelps as often as possible to eliminate Buckethead Zombies.