Plants vs. Zombies 2: How to Make it through Level 12 of Big Wave Beach
Plants vs. Zombies 2
Now, this one’s a tough cookie! After we’ve helped you through levels five, six, and seven of the Big Wave Beach world in Plants vs. Zombies 2, we naturally also have to help you through the challenging stages that come thereafter. Up until this level, there had been no stage of the new world that required as precise tactics as this one. While we did make it through the stage on our very first try, we will mostly pin it on luck, since the couple of tries thereafter failed until we found the exact right strategy.
In level 12, you plan your defense before the attack of the zombies begins by using up the 1750 sun that are provided. It is not possible to position a plant that produces sunflower, which means that you have to make do with the amount of sun that you have in the beginning. As you can see on our first screenshot, the level features three Lily Pads. We recommend getting rid of them to collect the extra sunlight. The stage features regular zombies, Conehead Zombies, Buckethead Zombies, Snorkel Zombies, Imp Mermaid Zombies, and Surfer Zombies. We believe that there are not more than four plants that you need in order to make it through the level. Equip yourself with Snapdragons, Lightning Reeds, Bowling Bulbs, and Infi-nuts. Make sure to only position your plants on dry grounds (the first three rows from the left).
The trick to winning this level is setting up Bowling Bulbs to get rid of the surfers while they’re still surfing. If they make it to the beach without falling from their boards, they will use their surfboard to destroy one of your plants in a single strike. The Bowling Bulbs’ attack makes them lose their balance and fall into the water. The Snapdragons will pretty much get rid of all the other zombies that get too close. The Lightning Reeds help against all zombies that are further in the back. Our first try succeeded because we had a buildup as seen on the screenshot above. One entire row of Infi-nuts, two Snapdragons positioned in a way to attack the entire row, three Bowling Bulbs placed in the middle, and four Lightning Reeds positioned on the flanks. Our second most successful try can be seen on the screenshot above. Here, we passed on Infi-nuts and instead focused more strongly on Bowling Bulbs to do the job for us. It worked out quite nicely, with one Lightning Reed in the middle. Be aware though that we didn’t make it through the level even once without the help of our lawnmowers (aka ship engines). Luckily, this level only features one big wave of approaching zombies.