Plants vs. Zombies 2
Here we are - this is the last level of the Frostbite Caves. We haven’t written many tips about previous battles with Doctor Zomboss because we usually thought that there wasn’t really any kind of strategy that went into these fights, except for: Place as many plants as possible! In level 30 of the Frostbite Caves, we quickly found a strategy that made the fight against the evil professor a lot easier.
In this battle, Zomboss is sitting on a huge mammoth which is hidden in ice. Your goal is to break the ice and unveil the mammoth and the crazy doctor. Only then will your projectiles actually harm him. While you are trying to achieve this, Zomboss constantly sends zombies out to destroy your plants. The level features a conveyor belt which randomly gives you Pepper-Pults, Fire Peashooters, Chard Guards, Rotobagas, Hot Potatoes, and Threepeaters.
In the beginning, we recommend simply focusing on positioning plants on the left side of the lawn. Focus on placing Threepeaters on the very left, Rotobagas in the middle, and Chard Guards towards the right. Make sure to place Pepper-Pults and Fire Peashooters in between to prevent your plants from freezing.
Once you’ve got a good defense on the left, we recommend positioning whatever Pepper-Pults and Fire Peashooters you get as close to Zomboss’ ice as possible. Their heat will melt the ice more quickly, allowing you to deal actual damage to the evil professor. As soon as his ice melts, he is paralyzed for a few moments, which also means that no new zombies are to be expected for the time being.