Plants vs. Zombies 2
The last level before your battle against Dr. Zomboss in The Lost City is not quite as difficult as the stage before. That is not to say, however, that it doesn’t require a smart strategy. If you stick to our set-up and follow our step by step guide, you should have no problem making it through this level. Your goal is to survive the two waves of zombies with the already selected plants. The level features Sun-shroom, Stallia, A.K.E.E., Endurian, Magnifying Grass, and Toadstool. You go up against the usual gang of the walking dead, plus Excavator, Parasol, and Bug Zombies, Imp Porters, and Turquoise Skull Zombies.
The strategy for this level is actually quite straightforward. At first, start planting five Sun-shrooms on the first row. You should be able to plant three before the first zombies approach. Defeat these first five zombies by planting some Magnifying Grasses and some Toadstools. Your main set-up should place the Magnifying Grasses on the second row and the Toadstools on the third row.
This is how we made it through this level of Plants vs. Zombies 2.
Generally, you should let the Toadstools swallow whatever zombie gets too close. Since they are busy chewing for a while, you should make use of the Magnifying Grasses to eliminate whatever other enemies get too close. Definitely go wild when the Imp Porters arrive and defeat them before they can place their tents on the sun-tiles. If you follow these steps, you will easily make it through the stage.