We have shared our two cents on Agar.io; we have given advice on how to succeed as a small cell, as a mid-sized cell, and as a giant. We can’t help but repeatedly delve back into the browser game, just to see how far we will get this time. Yesterday, we tried a brand new tactic that we briefly want to share. It might contradict with some of the advice we gave in our previous series of tips, but we want to share it nonetheless, as it proved to be quite successful.
We call it the “non-splitting” rule. We made it our goal to play in a minding-our-own-business kind of way. Accordingly, we focused on eating as much confetti as possible and not hunt other players by splitting up. We found that in the past, we often lost a game because we were easier prey for other players after splitting up. By not hitting the space bar, it is easier to fall under the radar.
As part of this strategy, we also tried to evade trouble as much as we could, particularly in the beginning. Naturally, we weren’t opposed to eating other cells, but only if we managed to eat them without hitting the space bar. Later in the game, when we were just about to crack the top 10 ranking, we hunted mid-sized cells by seizing the moment when they were being chased by giant cells. Accordingly, we managed to jump right to spot number 4 in the ranking in one swift move.