Tank Guide: E-75 - World of Tanks Guru

The tier 9 German heavy tank E-75 is a heavily armored beast of a tank that has a very hard hitting top gun.  This guide will be updated to include a fully written guide containing positive/negative aspects of the tank along with how to play it.  Below in the meantime are gameplay videos with commentary showing the E-75 doing it’s best along with tips on how to play it.

Camouflage Values

Stationary: 4.3%

Firing While Stationary: 0%

Moving: 2.3%

Firing While Moving: 0%

Aiming Circle Spread

After Shooting: 2.877

Turret Traversing: 0.173

While Moving: 0.211

Terrain Resistance

Hard Ground: 1.055

Medium Ground: 1.151

Soft Ground: 2.11