VIP Prestige may not be the best idea for you. After adding up how many alliance points you have to use for prestige, view the chart to see if it's worth making the move into prestige. Once you start VIP prestige you will lose some of your regular VIP 10 bonuses until you reach a prestige level that has higher bonuses that regular VIP. (View the comparison chart below)
40M total VIP Points required for Level 18
Update: The main features to VIP 18 is a Base Specialized Bonus Free Reset, and Free Hero Resurrection.
Other additions include:
Normal VIP vs Prestige VIP Legend:
Grey - prestige bonuses are equal to normal
Red - prestige bonuses are less than normal
Blue - prestige bonuses are more than normal
17,449,999 VIP Points required for Level 17
Update: The main feature to VIP 17 is opening ALL alliance gifts with a single click!
Other additions include:
12.90M VIP Points required for Level 16
Update: The main feature to VIP 16 is that you can combine all your cores, pieces, gems, or materials to the quality you would want with one button click.
Google Doc Link of Comparison Chart between VIP prestige & regular
6.7M VIP Points required for Level 14
9.55M VIP Points required for Level 15
Update: Both VIP Level 14 & 15 have overall slightly boosted stats as well as some very unique new capabilities.
4.46mil VIP Points Required
Update: VIP Level 13 now has the option for "Combining all materials to a certain level".
Update: VIP Level 12 now has the option for "Opening All Chests".
2.89mil VIP Points Required
MZ updated the prestige boosts to maintain the combat stats you had at regular VIP 10. So now, in terms of combat only the recommended minimum VIP level is 8. Although, this is still NOT EASY. So, if you don't have enough VIP to reach level 8, then don't do it.
If you were to buy them all right now (April 2015) in the gold packs being offered that contain 75K points and 75K + 26.4K bonus gold, and spend all the gold on points, it would cost you about $1,650. (Each pack would give about 175K points, so 2.89M/175K = 16.5 gold packs = $1,650)
Contributed by Macraider